Chapter 25

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It happened again. That feeling where she was content with being a girl, almost happy with it. She scheduled an appointment with the doctor, not being entirely sure what was wrong.

"Hello! I'm your doctor Onaga Chiharu. I've heard lots about you Akaashi-san. Or rather about your situation. Now before we get started on why you're here, would you prefer Ms, or Mr?" The doctor was a polite woman, with short chestnut hair in a half up half down ponytail. "Ms is fine. That's actually sort of the reason I'm here" The doctor just gives her a questioning look. "I've felt... different, in a way" she starts off, a little nervously.

"I don't know what's wrong. There are these moments, and basically just in general, that I've been extremely okay with being a girl. I feel just as comfortable in this body than I was in my other body." Dr. Onaga takes a seat, pondering slightly. "Is it possible you might have been more feminine or even felt like you should have been a girl, while you were a boy?" Akaashi shakes her head.

"I was perfectly happy with being a boy, I even tried to imagine being in a girls place once or twice. But I didn't feel anything remotely like that." she writes something down on her clipboard, before standing up. "I'm gonna order a PET scan. I'm also gonna take some blood tests to see estrogen levels. Just a few questions'' Akaashi nods her head giving the Doctor her arm. "Have you gotten a period yet?" She nods her head, wincing slightly when the needle goes through. " Yeah like the morning of waking up like this, it lasted around 4 days" Dr. Onaga nods, putting the vial of blood in a baggie, setting on the counter.

"Ok. and this might be a little uncomfortable, but have you been sexually active, since turning into a girl?" Akaashi blushes slightly, but shakes her head no. But oh had she wanted to be, with a certain captain. "Ok that rolls out being pregnant. Were you sexually active beforehand?" She shakes her head again. "Ok. so no STD. I'll bring this to the Phlebotomists, and drop off the request for a PET scan on the way. In the meantime, can you put on this hospital gown once you get to room 202. That's the room you'll be waiting until we're ready for the tests" She just nods, taking the gown into her hands. "Do you know how long it'll be?" The doctor stops, turning around and giving a small smile. "I'm not sure. You might be able to get them today, but it's most likely you'll be staying overnight" Akaashi just nods. Heading up to the second floor.


"I'm fine Iwa-chan, I can walk on my own. I've been here over a week and my injuries are almost gone, you don't need to keep acting like an overprotective mother all the time." A voice coming down the hall says. Akaashi peeks her head out just as a group of 4 people walk past her room. "Oikawa-san?" Oikawa turns around, meeting Akaashi's gaze

"Oh, um. Don't mean to be rude but, do I know you?" She snaps out of her staring contest, shaking her head. "No. not personally at least. My name's Akaashi Keiji, "I'm part of the group of people who switched genders, and one of the co-hosts for the meet up tomorrow" she slightly bows, introducing herself. "Oh! So you're friends with... what was her name? Kenma!" Makki jumps out from behind Matsun, slightly coming up to Akaashi. "Yes, we often have practice matches together and our best friends are often together" She says, slightly leaning against her door frame. There's a small pause, before Oikawa looks at each one of them


They give her an incredulous look, before Makki gasps "That's right!" she slaps a hand over her forehead "You weren't there to meet her. Very interesting girl if I do say so myself. Very reserved." She says, nodding her head in a stuck up way. You know, the way those TV girls do it in high school. "So how come you're in the hospital, Akaashi-kun?" it takes a moment for her to register what Oikawa had said, but blushes bright red.

"Um, it's a long story. Speaking of, the doctor who's testing me wanted to tell all of the other girls to come in for questioning, and since you're already here, might as well tell you now" Oikawa just groans leaning onto Iwaizumi. "I just got out of the hospital, and now I have to stay again? When can I catch a break" she pouts as Iwaizumi just pats her on the head, telling her not to be so dramatic. "You don't have to do it today, you can go home for a bit. I was planning on telling the rest of the girls tomorrow anyway. They wouldn't be able to fit us all in, in the short amount of time." That received a sigh of relief. She looked absolutely exhausted, although she's pretty sure it's more mental exhaustion rather than actual physical tiredness.

"Although this conversation has been fun Akaashi-kun, I'm afraid our favourite drama queen needs some rest. But I'll see you tomorrow at that cafe" Makki gave her a soft smile, wrapping an arm around Oikawa, who just closed her eyes, resting her head on Makki's shoulder. "I totally understand. I hope you get a well rest Oikawa-san. And I'll see you tomorrow Hanamaki-san, and if you're up to it Oikawa-san the offer still stands for you to come'' she slightly bows heading back into her room. Sighing she gets under the covers. This has been a long day, and tomorrow will no doubt be even longer.

*A.N.Ha! I'm back biotches :D aight, tis a little short. and might be a little rushed. i relapsed with SH in the middle of writing it. but i'm fine now. :D*

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