Chapter 15

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Oikawa was walking down the hall, head held up high. This isn't out of the ordinary, but this time, she was walking down the hallway a different gender, this was the one period that she didn't have with Iwaizumi, which made her heart beat heavily in her chest.

They had informed the entire school this morning on the issue, but it was still fairly new, so she was getting quite the stares. She has had some trouble with her fans crying and being hateful towards her for some reason, but it's nothing she couldn't handle, she's the great oikawa right?

She's about to head into her classroom when she feels something grab her arm, with a forceful tug she's pulled into what looks like an extra classroom used for storage.

"Well well well, would you look at that, the great Oikawa Tooru is now looking up to us" A sickeningly evil voice says, only then does she look up, she's met with three of her fellow 3rd years, Hiroki , Kohaku, and Shuichi.

She attempts to get up but her hands are quickly pinned down by Shuichi. "What do you want?" she spits in his face. Oikawa and Shuichi have a long history of hatred, Shuichi is the captain of the basketball team, and even when oikawa was male he was 3 inches taller than her, now add the fact that she shrunk 6 inches and you have an unbreakable hold.

"We're getting payback for stealing our girlfriends," Kohaku laughs from behind Shuichi. "I didn't steal your girlfriends. It's not my fault they thought I was hotter than you. Oh and Shuichi yours gave great head" she laughed looking at his face, of course she had never actually slept with his girlfriend, she was actually a virgin, she wanted to wait till the right person came, and that fact still stands even as a female.

"You bitch!" he yells, ripping off her new uniform jacket, she's about to protest when a hand covers her mouth. She struggles even further when she feels a pair of lips come to her neck, she tries to struggle even further, her legs being held down by Hiroki, she only halts her movements, when she feels a hand somewhere that's only supposed to be touched by her true love. Her eyes fill with fear as she struggles to get the hands away from her, her breathing quickens, and her vision is becoming fuzzy, the last straw is when she feels a hand slip under her shirt. She bites the hand, and momentarily frees her mouth "Iwaizumi!" She yells desperately, before she could yell again a fist collides multiple times with her face, while kicks are aimed at her sides and legs, before long another hand comes to her mouth, she assumes either Hiroki, or Kohaku.


The door closes behind the three boys, leaving behind a girl, torn clothes, and battered body. Slipping in and out of consciousness, she takes a shuddering breath, as one last tear falls from her eye, and rolls down her temple, finally succumbing to the searing pain, her body goes limp.


Iwaizumi is walking down the hall with Matsun, Kyoutani, and Kindaichi. All of their classes were down this way so they decided to walk with each other, "Hey loverboy where's your girlfriend?" Matsun warps out. He flushes red at the accusation but doesn't deny the claim. "Oh yeah, you're one to talk, what about you? Haven't seen Makki in awhile" he wiggles his eyebrows and gives him a pointed look. "I- Uh, she said she was going to the art room, for uh, stuff" They laugh at his flustered face. Kindaichi and Kyoutani say their goodbyes, well mostly Kindaichi, and head their separate ways. "But seriously dude, where is she? She's supposed to meet us for lunch". Iwaizumi looks down, deep in thought. Pulling out his phone he calls her number. Waiting for a response that never came. "Should we ask if anyones seen her?" Matsun suggests. "Yeah".

Half an hour later and still no luck, Iwaizumi almost gives up until the last person. "Have you seen Oikawa anywhere? Or where she went?" he sighs tiredly. The person nods "Yeah I saw Shuichi and his gang of numbnuts pull her into the extra classroom down the hall. I assume he wanted to talk things out or something" the stranger shrugs and makes his way to his next class. "Wait, I thought they hated each other?" Matsun says. Iwaizumi lacks a response for a second before he croaks out "They do" and he dashes down the hall.

He immediately runs through the door and freezes, there lay his best friend, littered with bruises, scratches, and hickeys, the latter scaring him the most. He runs over to the girl and gently places his hands on her face"Oikawa! Oikawa please!" Behind him he can hear Matsun let out a gasp, and a horrified "oh my god" He grabs his phone out of his back pocket, calling 911. Tears were threatening to fall from his face. This is his fault, he shouldn't have left her alone, it was clear she was afraid to be alone"Tooru, please" his voice cracks, relaying to the police that he needed an ambulance."H-Hajime" came a broken voice, he hangs up and puts his phone back in his pocket. She curls towards him and quietly begins to sob.

He quickly but carefully puts his arm under her back and knees, essentially picking her up. He walked out of the classroom, the hallways were empty, due to classes going on. He can hear Matsun following behind him, talking on the phone, to whom he assumes is Makki. When he steps outside he's met with the ambulance. 'This is all my fault' was the last thing he can remember, before he went on auto-pilot.

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