Chapter 7

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Narita and Kinoshita are walking to practice, but when they open the door to find that half the team is missing, they kind of expected Noya to be late, but not Hinata. The one whose life revolves around volleyball, not Yamaguchi, the sweetheart who wouldn't miss without letting them know, not Ennoshita, probably the most responsible second year, and definitely not Suga, the literal mother of the team, he wouldn't miss knowing it would worry the rest of the team. So what was going on? "Do you guys think they're here?" Asahi spoke up, mostly looking at Daichi.

"Why would they be? We all know they wouldn't just skip, unless something was wrong." Daichi said, a hint of knowing in his voice, putting his hand on his chin, looking like a really tired father. Tanaka giggled a bit, but shut up when Daichi glared at him, "How about we just go around campus, take a look, then meet back up here. If you find them text the group chat." They simultaneously nod in agreement. Not noticing the few team members diligently typing on their phones.

They ended up searching for a half an hour. Not finding any of their team members, they make their way to the club room to get changed for school.


Daichi typed aggressively on his phone, trying to find out where Suga was hiding,

He eventually found her hiding in the janitors closet. Knees up to her chin and her hands holding her head. He bent down next to her, putting his hand slowly on her shoulder, careful not to scare her. "Suga. What's wrong?" he musters every bit of kindness and softness into that one sentence. She slowly looks up to meet his gaze, before lowering her head again.

"I can't do this Daichi" She whispers, he almost didn't hear it "What do you mean you can't do this?" His confusion was clear in his voice. "They're going to notice Daichi, no one's going to treat me the same. I mean come on Daichi, I shrunk nearly half a foot and now I've got a girl's body."

Tears started to form in her eyes, he quickly moved to cup her face in his hands. "Hey, it's ok, you don't have to go, we can figure this out together. But first, can we please get out of the janitors closet? Why would you choose here of all places?" He questions jokingly, drawing a small chuckle out of her. Helping her up from the ground, they stealthily make their way to the club room.


"Where is that dumbass?" Kageyama slightly yells, getting frustrated. He's been trying to find her for the past 10 minutes, he's running out of time. He's running around the halls when he abruptly stops, right in front of the bathroom.

"Why didn't I think of that before!?" he slaps himself in the forehead, before running into the bathroom. He checks every stall, when he finally gets to the last stall. He knocks, but only receives a small "occupied". "Dumbass, it's me" he sighs, there's silence for a bit before the door clicks and is slightly pushed open. When he looks inside, Hinata is on the floor, right arm resting on the toilet seat, and head resting on the wall behind her .

"Dumbass, I've been texting you, and calling you, the team are wondering where you are, well more specifically the half that disappeared" Hinata's head jerks slightly "What do you mean? What happened to the team?" She says she is still a little woozy from getting sick.

He bends down in front of her, looking her straight in the eye "We don't know, but you never know, maybe the same thing happened to them, that happened to you" he sits completely down, resting his back against the opposite side as Hinata "Oh god I hope not" she subconsciously puts her hand on her lower abdomen.

Kageyama stares for a minute, finally taking in the fact that her hat wasn't on, and her hair was laying on her shoulders, and her big sweater was off, leaving her in a tank top. He assumed she took them off cause they were in the way of her puking.

"You never know" he leans forward and rests his arms on his knees "You really should tell the team, they can probably help you, and if the other half of the team does have the same problem, wouldn't it be nice to talk to people going through the same thing as you?" Hinata hasn't seen this side of Kageyama before, but she sure as hell could get used to it. She looks down at her lap, and fiddle with her fingers

"I guess you're right, it would also be a huge relief not having to keep this a secret" Kageyama gets up and offers her a hand, taking it she grabs her sweater and hat, putting them on just long enough to tell the team. Kageyama was texting the group chat saying he found Hinata, and they were on their way to the club room. Not entirely sure anyone actually read it, he put his phone back in his pocket, and guided Hinata out.


Daichi and Suga were seated in the corner in silence. Suga had taken her hat and sweater off, getting way too hot, her hair was in a loose high ponytail, with baby hairs hanging slightly in her face.

"Maybe you should tell the team" Daichi says breaking the silence, Suga whips her head to look at him "Are you crazy!?" she says exasperated, "all I'm saying is, maybe the others are in the same situation you are.You could all help each other, you wouldn't have the pressure of keeping it secret." he explains, 

"I don't know Daichi, what if they aren't and they judge me, they could even kick me off the team" she's starting to hyperventilate.

Daichi quickly moves in front of her and grabs her hand "Suga you know full well the team isn't like that, and we won't let anyone kick you off the team" he was about to continue his sentence when the door bursts open with an arguing Hinata and Kageyama, but it quickly ceases when Hinata lays her eyes on Suga.

She quickly turns to Kageyama "You were right, I don't have to go through this alone" she's almost at the point of crying. She was about to say something to Suga when they're interrupted by the door opening again, but this time it's Asahi with a puffy eyed Nishinoya, with Tanaka following close behind, but what caught their eye was the long black and blonde hair reaching Noya's waist, and her chest a little bigger than normal.

Suga quickly gets up and walks over to Noya, and hugs her as tight as possible "Um Suga, I think you shrunk" Noya giggles, earning a smack from Suga. Suga and Noya laugh for a second before they're interrupted by Hinata calling their names, when she takes off her hat, she slowly looks to the ground, but soon feels two pairs of arms wrap tightly around her.

The sweet moment is interrupted, when the door bursts open, but this time with a crying Yamaguchi, much shorter than any of them remember, without looking to much Yamaguchi apologizes before running out again, but not without suga on her trail. She's pulled back by her wrist, and is being dragged back to the room. When everyone is back in the room, Suga demands they all sit in a circle.

Suga sitting closer to Daichi, Hinata sticking beside Kageyama to their left, Noya basically sitting in Asahi's lap to their right, Tanaka and Yamaguchi sitting slightly away from each other. "Okay let me get this straight, so far 4 of us are girls, we don't know how it happened, and Ennoshita is still missing?" Everyone nods in agreement, Suga nods and folds her hands in her lap "Is it possible he was also changed?" Yamaguchi questions "Well by the looks of us, that's probably the safest bet, but we need to find him, he really shouldn't be going through this alone" Everyone is about to get up but the door slightly creeks open, everyone simultaneously sighs in surprise, and relief.

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