Chapter 2

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The setter woke up to a strange feeling on his chest. He paid no mind to it, since he thought he just slept the wrong way.

He slowly sat up with a groan, ‘do I have to go’ he whined to no one in particular “wait!’ his eyes snapped open as he scrambled to get his phone and check the date, he gasped looking at his phone, it was Friday, him and Daichi are going to the movies today. 

 Throwing his phone back down he scrambled out of bed, only stopping when he noticed everything looked a little taller than it did yesterday, he shrugged and ran to his closet to grab his uniform with a new found optimism, running towards the bathroom, he slammed the door closed and started to get changed, that was until he caught sight of himself in the mirror. 

With his face contorted in fear he slowly lifted his hand to touch his face, wondering if this was really him. His silver hair had gone from short and messy, to the mid of his back, his chest had grown and his curves now stood out more than they had before, he had always been on the more feminine side but this was a whole other level, he had even shrunk 4 inches! making him about the height of hinata.

 “How the hell am I supposed to hide this from the team?!” he scrambled still mindful of his mother whom he wasn’t sure had gone to work yet, his heart sank once again when he realized two things, one he was supposed to meet Daichi after school for the movies which he could no longer go to, and two he was supposed to meet Daichi and Asahi in 20 minutes. 

“There's no way I could hide this from them, I can't just walk up to them and expect them not to notice I have boobs, long hair, and the fact I shrunk like half a foot!”

His mother was single, and really the only person he had. He didn't want to to worry her too much with this whole thing so when he looked outside to find that his mother's car was gone he sighed, and texted his mom that he didn’t feel well and was staying home from school, but not to worry too much.

Then texting Daichi to tell him he wasn't coming today, to both school and the movies, his heart broke a little when sending the last part, he was looking forward to it so much, he’s liked Daichi since his first year, and although he knows Daichi doesn’t feel the same it’s nice to keep up the illusion in his head.

He spent the entire day trying to figure out how he was going to hide his chest, hair, and height.


The two toned Libero woke up by the stupidly bright sun, feeling a little weird, he turned his face the other way only for his head to abruptly stop by his hair being pulled, but pulled by what. He sat up and that seemed to have freed him, except from what, he turned around to be met by a messy blob of black hair, his heart started beating faster and he shot out of bed, faster than you could say rolling thunder.

He ran to his bathroom, and jumped up on the counter to get a full view of his body. His hair was at his waist, even the blonde streak was down to his waist, his hips a smidgen wider and his waist smaller, his chest hadn’t grown much, but that didn't really come as a surprise given his small stature, he was actually kinda relieved, it’d be easier to hide, he also hadn’t gotten any shorter, if he had he probably would have kicked something or someone.

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