Chapter 6

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Yamaguchi (☞^o^)☞


 'Okay Tadashi, it's not that hard just press the button, he's your friend he wont judge you' Yamaguchi has been pacing around her room for 15 minutes, trying to decide whether or not she should tell Tsukki about this, she knows that they've been best friends since they were children, and that he wouldn't judge her, but she still can't get this feeling out of her stomach that something wouldn't go right.

Through careful consideration, she finally decides to call him. With each ring, her heart beat slows down, but quickly picks back up when the ringing stops, and she's left with the voice of her best friends greeting. "Yamaguchi?" She's broken out of her trance, her name being called "Why'd you call?" he says in a very uninterested tone, she tries to make her voice a little deeper, not wanting him to hang up, thinking it was someone else.

" Hey, I really need to talk to you. It's about something important and I don't want you to think any differently about me because of it" she pauses and takes a deep breath " I don't know why and I certainly do not know how but this might sound a little crazy, I-I'm a girl" there is a few moments of Silence before he finally speaks up "Alright Yamaguchi, I'll see you tomorrow"

Just as the call beeps she wonders  'was it really that easy to convince him, does he really believe me?' she squeals and throws her phone on the nightstand, so happy that her best friend believed her. She kind of expected a little bit more of a fight to get him to believe her. She went to bed that night, excited to see her friend tomorrow, at least she didn't have to hide it from one person.

Monday She decided to skip morning practice, knowing she wouldn't be able to hide the height difference to people she sees every day, and that her hat and bandages wouldn't withstand any physical activity. At least she has Tsukki on her side. Making her way to school she's kind of nervous, she knows not many people would notice her height difference especially when sitting for most of the day, and she'll use the 'I'm sick' excuse to get out of taking her hat off, even so she can't help the undying anxiety about someone finding out and making fun of her, or worse taking advantage of her.

Walking up to the gates, her eyes dart from side to side looking for a certain blonde, standing tall among others. When her eyes finally met upon his frame, she ran, silently chanting safety, but when she ran up to him, she was met with a look of complete shock "T-Tadashi?" Now, that wouldn't have really been a big deal but Tsukki doesn't stutter, not unless caught off guard or, in some rare occasions, flustered. But the real question was why he was caught off guard, she had told him she was a girl, so her height decrease should have been expected.

"Why're you so surprised?" she says in a soft mocking voice "You're that surprised by the height difference? I would have thought it was implied" she joked, but stopped when she noticed the stern look on his face, "You really weren't lying" he whispers under his breath. She scoffs, trying to seem unbothered by his statement, obviously not succeeding  "and what do you mean by that? Of course I wasn't lying" she steps back a little, offended he would even think she would lie to him

"Is your trust in me that low?" she tried to sound angry, but with her voice cracking, and the tears in her eyes, made it hard to believe she actually was. "I thought our friendship meant more to you. I guess you really didn't think of me as your best friend. I got told every day that you didn't want me around, that you only tolerated me cause you pitied me, guess they were right" she covers her hand in front her mouth to try and conceal the tremble, but was stopped by him grabbing her wrist "Yamaguchi wait, I didn't mean it like that" he tried to explain, but what was there to explain? She knew he didn't trust her, it was very evident. She ripped her hand away from him "No, I- um, I-I'm just going to go, don't try looking for me, not that you care enough to anyway" she ran away, heading to the one place she knew no one would be just before classes, the volleyball club room. For why would anyone be there, literally right before the bell? Oh was she in for it.

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