Chapter 9

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"How am I supposed to avoid all of them?" Ennoshita says, staring at herself in the mirror.

She spends the next 15 minutes contemplating whether or not she should actually go. She can hide her hair, and her chest, but her height is another story. Her phone dings. She walks over to her night stand and picks it up.

Mom: You better not miss school again young man!

She sighs and puts her phone back down. Her parents were always very strict when it came to school. Because of this, she always tried her best at academics and attendance, but this whole situation has put a damper on that. Ennoshita grabs her bag and her phone and walks out the door, not forgetting to lock it.

With each step her heart rate increased, and her hands shook. She almost didn't realize she was at school already. Her gaze lowered but her eyes caught something, or rather, someone. There stood, in all his chaotic crackheadness, Tanaka, with a serious look. 'He kinda looks hot- WAIT, why the heck did I think that?!' She shakes her head furiously. As soon as his eyes landed on her, he ran. 'If only he'd run that fast to class'

When he got closer she could see just how much shorter she had gotten. "So you're a girl." He says it as more of a statement then a question. "Why aren't you more shocked about this?!" slightly raising her voice. "Well I've dealt with 4 other cases of this today." He sighs. She tilts her head and mutters a "Huh?" He rests his hand on his hip and holds up four fingers.

"Sugawara" one finger down "Nishinoya" another down "Hinata" one finger remaining "And Yamaguchi" With each name, each finger down, her mind slightly eases, knowing she's not alone. But it also fills with worry, knowing that more people have to go through this.

A few seconds go by before Tanaka speaks up "Suga wants you to come to the club room." she nods and they start walking to the club room. A blanket of awkward silence fell over them as they walked, "Why didn't you tell me?" Tanaka's attempt to lessen the tension only worsened it. "Why would I? I don't have an obligation to tell you anything" she snaps back.

He stops walking and looks at her "Obligation? Ennoshita, you're my best friend, you shouldn't feel obligated to do anything for me, but you should at least trust me enough." She turns and looks up at him. "How was I supposed to know whether you would judge me?" He takes a step forward. "Again, you should trust me enough to know I wouldn't do that. And even more, you should know I'm never the person to judge anyone negatively. Just look at my sister, I didn't judge her whatsoever when she came out," His voice sounds angry, but the only thing seen in his eyes is betrayal.

"No one on the team trusted me to know anything, Daichi already knew about Suga, Asahi already knew about Noya, Kageyama knew about Hinata, and Yamaguchi had even tried to tell Tsukishima. I wasn't anyone's first choice, I at least would have hoped you would have told me."

Ennoshita falters for a second before regaining her stance. "It's not my place to justify why they told other people, and it's certainly not my job to tell you anything I didn't feel comfortable telling you. Don't come playing pity party because of something that could very well ruin my life. So next time you think our friendship means I have to tell you everything, think again." Tanaka's eyes held unshed tears, looking away, he continued walking.

Bringing his gaze to the ground "Come on, we're already late." His voice is void of emotion, and face away from her. She hesitantly follows. When they reached the doors Tanaka quickly went inside over to the wall, avoiding all eye contact. Suga immediately jumps up and hugs Ennoshita. When she scans the room, finding Noya in Asahi's lap, her hair pulled into a low side ponytail, Hinata leaning onto Kageyama's side, hair down to her collarbone, Yamaguchi sitting against the wall, with her hair slightly cover her face, and Suga latching onto her, with her hair tied loosely in a high ponytail, baby hairs falling in front of her face.

"You- You guys really are girls" she says exasperated "Yeah. I would have thought Tanaka told you?" Suga says finally stepping back, let's just say she's even more beautiful than before "oh, uh yeah he told me. Just initial shock I guess" she slightly laughed, but it held little to no humor

"I'm going to the bathroom" Tanaka suddenly says and rushes out "Ryuu wait" Noya exclaims, trying to get up, but Asahi's arms trap her down before she can stand "What's the big deal? He's just going to the bathroom. Plus I'm pretty sure you can't just waltz into the boys bathroom anymore Nishi" Asahi points out, she thinks for a second, before responding again

"He's never been this quiet, and not to mention he makes way more of a big deal then that about going to the bathroom. When we were little and his grandpa had died, he still made the effort to smile, I've never seen his eyes so full of sadness." she says sadly, relaxing back into his lap "But you're right about the bathroom thing"

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