Chapter 11

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Oikawa (our Flat king hehe)

Oikawa has never been the best at waking up on his own. He was always woken up by someone else, finding new ways to sleep through his alarm each time, occasionally it would be his mom, but ever since his dad left, his mom hasn't really been a mom, so the only one he could put his trust in, was none other than his vice captain, Iwaizumi.

Oikawa could hear his alarm going off but decided to just pull up his weighted blanket, which felt heavier than he remembers, and put a pillow over his head, that was until he heard loud footsteps.

"Shittykawa! Get your lazy ass out of bed" Iwaizumi yells, bursting through the bedroom door. Lacking a response, Iwaizumi stomps over to his bed, ripping the blanket off of Oikawa, freezing, and taking a step back.

"Just five more mInUtEs" Oikawa cries, brushing off the change in his voice to sleep. "O-Oikawa?" he stammers, at a loss of what to say. "What do you want Iwa-chan? I told you I'd get up didn't I?" Oikawa says sitting up, swinging his legs off the bed.

"Oikawa, I really think you need to look in the mirror," Iwaizumi insists, taking another step back. "Why? Because I look horrible? Haha yeah not working this time Iwa-chan" he says, finally standing up, but this time, instead of looking slightly down at Iwaizumi, he was looking up, quite a lot by the looks of it.

His eyes widen and he runs to the bathroom connected to his room, shrieking at the top of his lungs when he sees himself... or herself. Her hair was a little past the middle of her back with bangs swaying to the side of her face, her chest had gotten on the bigger side, but not enough to attract too much attention. Oh who are we kidding, it's Oikawa, she'll attract attention no matter her gender.

Her hips are a little wider, and her waist significantly slimmer, her once tight fitting T-shirt is now hanging to her mid thigh, and her shorts went missing, not being able to stay up. Oho let's not forget, she was now 6 inches smaller than Iwaizumi, a good 5'4, a notable change.

"What. The. FUCKING HELL. Am I supposed to do now?" she says, hand in her hair, grasping quite tight. "Oikawa you need to calm down, Stressing about it is only going to make it worse" he says carefully, aware of the fragile state his friend is in.

"How can you tell me to calm down, for one, this could get me kicked off the volleyball team, I could lose my scholarship, two, I have no idea how to function properly right now, I don't even know how to use the bathroom, and three, a lot of people don't like me, I could barely defend myself before hand, but now I'm 8 inches shorter than I used to be, oh and let's not forget how many people just love to document my life and give me gifts, how the hell am I supposed to hide this from them, and if I don't how am I supposed to tell them that their idol is a girl now?!"

She was hyperventilating now, each second passing, her breath gets heavier, and vision gets blurry. Iwaizumi grabs her by the arm and bends down so he's looking her in the eye. "Oi- Tooru, listen, Makki, Matsun, and most certainly me, will make sure nothing happens to you, we won't let you get kicked off, you're our captain, you bring out the best in every single one of our players." he says in the softest tone he could muster.

"We could easily ask one of our female classmates to help you learn the ropes. And whoever the fuck thinks it's a good idea to mess with you will have to go through me." he says sternly making sure his point got across. Soon tiny arms are wrapped around his neck, as she cries into his chest. Reluctantly, he wraps his arms around her waist, whispering in her ear "We'll figure this out, we'll call Makki and Matsun and see what they think" she nods but doesn't let go.

He lifts her off the ground, her legs subconsciously wrapping around his waist. He walks over to her bed and continues to comfort her, never once shushing her, letting her get her frustration and worry out. "Thank you" was the last thing she whispered before finally falling back to sleep, tiring herself out crying. Iwaizumi decided it best that he and Oikawa skip today to get everything sorted out. He'll call double trouble later.

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