Chapter 21

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She was staring out the window, not really being able to focus, not with all the problems circling around her thought process, how Tadashi lost her best friend, being absolutely heartbroken because of it, or how ennoshita and tanaka have been acting weird around each other, constantly either avoiding each other (that was mostly Tanaka) and apologetic glances. And with the fact that they had to find out from the first years on Seijoh (much to Kageyama's dismay) to tell them Oikawa was hospitalized, and oh god Kageyama is terrible at hiding his concern. On a happier note, her relationship with Daichi was going well, they're still keeping it a secret, he's always doi-

"Sugawara-kun?" She's snapped out of her trance when the teacher calls her name. "I know you're going through something, but I'd appreciate it if you paid attention" he went back to teaching, and most of the eyes on her faded away, except Daichi's. Silently questioning if she was ok. She nodded turning back to her paper, at least attempting to pay didn't work.

"You sure you're ok?" Daichi asked, leaning against the locker next to Suga's open one. "You seemed pretty distracted" She slowed her movements, sighing before closing her locker, fully turning to face him. "Yeah. it's just- things have been kinda crazy and stressful. I have no idea how to help Tadashi and Tsukishima, what he did was pretty shitty. And not to mention Tanaka and Ennoshita avoiding each other like the plague, although for very different reasons by the way they look at each other, like what could have Ennoshita said to make Tanaka, off all people look at her like she killed his parents, and she still won't open up to any of us how she feels on the matter. And Oikawa, jeez I'm so worried, her personality is trash, but I know it's just insecurities, Kageyama unknowingly told me just how many Panic attacks he alone witnessed." she's interrupted by Daichi pulling her into a hug, a very intimate hug, might she add. There was literally no way of saying this was a hug between friends.

"Daichi! I thought we were gonna keep this a secret till everything blows over!" she was for the most part whispering yelling, but despite her concern and confusion she melted into it anyway, kind of resembling a kitten about to fall asleep. "I don't really care, actually with the amount of stares you get, I want people to know you're mine. And you shouldn't stress yourself out over this. Here, how about when school is over, you and I head over to the arcade, that should let us let loose a little" with every word that slipped past his lips she became a shade redder, not only from his not so passive claim on her, but also people were starting to stare, and with the blush she sported, probably thought he was whispering some kind of lude action. She turned her attention back to Daichi, relaxing in his arms again. "Yeah, that sounds good" the smile that fell on her lips could only be described as a lovesick puppy.. A very cute puppy.

"So are you guys finally gonna stop trying to hide your relationship?" a familiar voice broke them out of their little love circle. "A-Asahi!" How long have you been standing there!" she jumps away from Daichi covering her face with her hands. Asahi shifts a little uncomfortable, before displaying a soft smile, with a hint of concern. "Long enough to know you're stressed. You know I can help too right? I seem to be doing something right with yuu, so I must not be too bad at comforting" oh he has no idea just how smitten she is for him, his comfort isn't the only thing she wants. Get your minds out of the gutter not that kind of thing.

She lets her hands fall again going back to lean into Daichi. "Well might as well indulge in it" she answers at their questioning looks. "Suga, I know you're the oldest, but you don't always have to care for everyone, it's ok to want to be taken care of, or at the very least, let other people take care of you" Asahi steps forward placing a hand on suga's back. she stand there for a minute, taking everything in. "Can- Can we go outside for a minute or two?" The question was muffled and barely audible, but Daichi hummed anyway, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

The second they're away from prying eyes and ears, she breaks out into a sob. Effectively startling the other two, Asahi panics while Daichi rushes to ask what's wrong, all the while trying to wipe the steady stream of tears. "I-I...I'm j-just terrified I'll l-let them d-down. I've always t-thought I let them down, and n-now so many of t-them are strug-gling and I have no i-idea how to help t-them. Did I f-fail as not o-only their upperclas-smen but their v-vice captain as w-well?" Daichi had led her over to a bench, the boys sat on either side, Daichi to her right with his arm around her, nose buried in her hair, and Asahi to her left rubbing a hand up and down her arm.

"Suga, you know none of them feel like that, the fact that they're struggling isn't your fault, and don't forget Kou, you're struggling too. I promise you, you are the best vice captain I could have asked for, and an even better upperclassmen, you had the chance to be the official setter, but you thought it would be better for Kageyama, just so the rest of us could win, and don't even forget the small things you do too, cause those mean the world to our underclassmen, when you helped Hinata study for that test she was going to fail, or when you consoled Noya, after the fight with Asahi. Kou, if you ever need help, just ask Asahi or me" He could see Asahi's sullen face when he mentioned the fight, obviously a touchy subject. But he was more focused on trying to get Suga to stop doubting herself. She just leaned into his arm, stuffing her face into the crook of his neck. She doesn't notice when Asahi leaves, or when he comes back with milk bread and a juice box, she slightly laughs but gratefully accepts them. It doesn't take her long to stop crying after she's had food. 

A.N Fun fact, the song at the top is actually in the movie Twilight: Eclipse. and a pretty steamy part too, although I found those movies cringey so I kinda just looked away

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