Chapter 18

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"Alright, so how many do we have?" Akaashi asks, taking a seat on the bench next to Kenma, who has been looking at her notebook for 15 minutes. It's been 4 days since They met up in that cafe on Saturday, their schools had decided to just come out and tell the students what happened, it wasn't as easy for Akaashi cause she was the only one in her school, well Kenma did have Yaku, but for the first couple days of school she was so reserved she barely even talked, but she's slowly going back to her old self, she started kicking Lev again so that's a good sign.

"4. I was able to get all the Karasuno ones after Shouyou gave me Sugawara's number. From what she said, all we were correct with our assumptions, she also clarified that the unknown second year's name is Ennoshita Chikara. But I still can't get a hold of Oikawa, I tried getting Iwaizumi to answer but he seems to have M.I.A as well. But I did contact their coach, he says they've both been out since the first day of school, the only thing he gave me was that Oikawa is in fact a girl, and that someone had done something terrible." she puts her hand under her chin, never once looking back up.

Akaashi frowns and leans over Kenmas shoulder. "What do you mean terrible? Did they beat her up or something?" she leans back out, grabbing her phone from her bag (the one her mom insisted she get her when she told her)

"Well the coach had said it had involved some boys from the school, a group of them, says the third years had found her in a classroom, but did not go any further into detail. I'm really hoping it's not what I think it is" She finally looks up, but only enough to see the beginning of the grass line. Confusion is what crosses akaashi's face first, then realization, and finally horror. She slowly puts a hand over her hanging jaw. She gulps before asking. "What about Oikawa's friend?" Kenma looks back down at her notes flipping through the pages before stopping.

"Girl. The coach had confirmed when I had asked, but didn't give me her number, but he did give me a Name, Hanamaki Takehiro, he said she's been at the hospital with Oikawa, only coming to their schoolwork, and talking with her boyfriend. Apparently he stayed at school to take notes and bring them to the hospital for them." she hums before opening her own notebook.

"Did you find a date and place yet?" Kenma asks, closing her notebook. "Yeah, two weeks from now. I made a reservation for supper at the restaurant near the middle of the distance between us all." She closes her book, and puts it in her bag, standing up. Kenma follows soon after. "Soooo, you and Kuroo-san?" she says a sly smirk sneaking up on her face.

"What do you mean?" Kenma says, not even sparing her a glance. "I see the way he's been lately, never letting you out of his sight, when those kids from school kept bugging you what did he do? He went and punched one of them. And! When you had gotten your period, he kept by your side the entire time" she finished off with a laugh. "You- he- he just- Ugh, he's just being protective, he gets like that, it got a little annoying though, when he started spring those chemistry puns on me" her mouth forms a pout when the pink settles on her cheeks.

"And you're not one to talk! You can NOT tell me that Bokuto hasn't been cuddling you when you got yours, for god's sake I walked in on you guys hugging in the supply closet! He's no better than Kuro" she huffs and crosses her arms, satisfied only a little by her come back. Akaashi, whose cheeks have reddened tremendously, desperately tries changing the subject. "When are you planning on texting the girls to see if they're free? Or if they even want to do it?" they're walk slows a little as Kenma tries to think.

"Well I'm planning on heading by the hospital tomorrow before school. I don't want to visit Oikawa, I know how prideful she is, and wouldn't want anyone to see her like that, I'm only planning on running into one of them so I can get their numbers. Then hopefully just put them all into one group chat, so we can start there. So to answer your question, tomorrow or the day after. Although I know Sugawara will do it, she immediately agreed the second I told her why I wanted the numbers." Akaashi hums before stopping, her face lighting up slightly.

 Kenma follows her gaze, there stands Bokuto in his weird glory holding a teddy bear and box of chocolates. She walks (very quickly) over to him before he wraps her in a giant hug. Kenma watches from afar, getting ready to leave when she feels a hand on her shoulder, and a voice she longs to hear every second.

"Whatcha doin'?"he turns and her eyes meet gold, Kuro. She's not normally one for hugs but he always makes her feel at home, so she accepts when he wraps his arms around her, pulling her close, she never wants him to let go. When they pull away he wraps his arm around her shoulders and they start heading towards the train. "So what did you guys talk about?" she wraps her arm around his waist, leaning into his warmth. "Plans we have in a couple of weeks, we're going to dinner with a few friends" she states simply. "Oh? Kenma? Other friends? Didn't know you were capable of such a feat." he laughs when she pouts.

"I'm sorry, I'm just kidding. So which friends are they?" she ponders for a minute, trying to think of the names. "Suga, Nishinoya, Ennoshita, Shouyou, Yamaguchi, Akaashi, Yaku, Hanamaki, and Oikawa" Kuroo stops walking, stunned at not only the number , but just exactly who . "I didn't even know you knew that many people let alone well enough to go hanging out with them, and Oikawa , I don't even think I've seen you interact with him." he literally looks so appalled. "Her" she corrects. His eyes snap back to her full of confusion.

"Oikawa, along with all those other people, have experienced the same thing Akaashi and I have. That's why we're going out together, to try and make sense of things, with other people who understand" He takes everything in, shrugs, then continues walking. "Okay, as long as you're happy" he flashes her one of his real smiles, not the sly grin he usually has out, and its the most handsome thing he's ever done.

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