sorry again. but if it applies to you leave my page

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I am putting this chapter up, because there are a lot of people most of you not but there are still a lot of people who have commented about this both on AO3 and on Wattpad. So it's not very hard to find the comment, but I'm not going to release their name because that's kind of mean.

A lot of you have accused me of body shaming oikawa, and I'm going to tell you why I didn't.

Point number one, he's a fictional character and if you really care that much, leave. He doesn't have real feelings, he doesn't exist.

Point number two, I in no way body shamed Oikawa, I'll even put the direct definition of body shaming

"the action or practice of humiliating someone by making mocking or critical comments about their body shape or size."- Noun

"expressing mockery or criticism about a person's body shape or size."- Adjective

Now let's see what I wrote

"Oikawa (our flat king hehe)"

I want to know where in that single sentence I'm expressing mockery or criticism or making a derogatory insult towards his body, I'll wait, tell me.

And this next point really isn't a point kind of like a PSA. If you're going to come into my comment section and accuse me of body shaming when I myself have been body shamed, I don't want you reading my story I don't want you in my comment sections I don't even want you looking at my page, you don't get to give me backhanded compliments, like saying I'm body shaming him but the story is good.

Now to the rest of you who are supportive and loving to the story, I love you all and thank you for being supportive, I'm currently in the middle of writing the next chapter 😚

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