Chapter 8

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Kinoshita & Narita

Hearing voices in the club room was normal but hearing female voices wasn't. Paying very little mind to it, they walked through the door, and their expressions dropped immediately.

Sitting in a circle was Daichi, Suga, Asahi, Noya, Tanaka, Yamaguchi, Hinata, and Kageyama. But four of them were different. Noya's hair was long enough to reach her waist, and her chest was bigger.

Yamaguchi had her back to them but they could see her hair was now curving just under her jaw. Hinata was flush against Kageyama's side but her hair was hanging just underneath her collar bone.

Facing them head on was Suga wearing a tank top and sitting extremely close to Daichi. Her hair was tied in a loose yet high ponytail with baby hairs falling in front of her face, her chest was also larger than remembered.

They walked in dazed, and sluggishly dropped their bags down, still extremely confused on what's happening. "U-um guys?" Narita was the first to speak up. "Just a few questions." He said in a sarcastic kind of way.

"First of all... What the heck happened!?" He yelled, taking a few steps closer to the bunch. "Well, you see, none of us actually know either, all we know is that the four of us were turned into girls, which we presume was on Friday night. And that this has something to do with that meteor shower. We're also quite sure Ennoshita is a girl too" Suga rushed out, not wanting to go over this again.

They were all silent for a minute, before Kinoshita looked over the bunch with a better look. "Why are you guys sitting so close to each other? Noya's literally on Asahi's lap." Kinoshita deadpans, taking long glances between them.

"Daichi was the first one to find out about this, he helped me calm down from more than one panic attack." Suga says, placing a hand on Daichi's knee. "Kageyama was also the first one to find out, he actually talked me into telling you guys." Hinata points out.

"Huh, Asahi was also the first to find out about me, well Tanaka found out not too long after but still." Noya says, snuggling further into Asahi's chest.

"Wait, you guys all knew before I did?" Tanaka says, kind of offended no one trusted him enough for this, and if it was true that Ennoshita was a girl, the why wouldn't he have come to him, he thought they were closer than that.

"We didn't mean for them to know, well at least I didn't, I was afraid I was the only one, and that I would either be judged or kicked off the team" Suga says, leaning slightly closer to Daichi, "I didn't mean for Kageyama to know either, I actually tried to run away but he caught me before I could, he helped me with something before actually realizing it was me" Hinata slightly laughs, but Kageyama slaps her right upside the head

"dumbass you didn't need to tell them that part, and I was only doing what was right, that man just looked disgusting" Kageyama grimaced, but missed the worried look on Suga's face " What man??" she says, "oh, well when I found her, the cashier at the convenience store was trying to lure her into the back" Kageyama says in a disgusted tone "oh my god, you're alright though right Hinata?" Suga breaths out, "Yeah, I'm fine"

Their little moment was broken by Noya "I didn't mean for Asahi to find out either, but he kind of surprised me, and one thing led to another and he found out, I actually did run away, but it didn't take him long to catch up" Asahi wraps his arms around her waist, in an attempt to comfort her, succeeding in doing so.

"What about you Yamaguchi? Did anyone find out about you?" Hinata questions, Yamaguchi's eyes flick from each person and her hands "Well, not really, I tried telling Tsukki, but that didn't turn out too well" she trails off "What do you mean?" Noya asks, furrowing her brow further, but Yamaguchi shakes her head, silently saying she didn't want to talk about it.

"Has anyone actually talked with Ennoshita?" Suga questions suddenly "I vaguely talked to him on Sunday, he said we was probably going to be late, cause of some medical reason" Tanaka says "Okay, I'm going to need one of you boy's to stand at the entrance, and when he comes bring him back here we're all figuring this out" Suga says sternly, all heads turn to Tanaka "Why's everyone looking at me?" everyone sighs and looks in all sorts disappointed but not surprised "You're the closest one to him, therefore the one he trusts the most" Noya says. Tanaka thinks about it before agreeing, and heading out the door to the gates.

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