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( chapter five. )

Edited 12/23/2015 @1:36 AM Edited 04/23/2016 @2:36 AMEdited 11/16/2017 @12:20 AM

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Edited 12/23/2015 @1:36 AM
Edited 04/23/2016 @2:36 AM
Edited 11/16/2017 @12:20 AM

  ANDREA AWOKE TO FIND HERSELF laid back on a table, in an unfamiliar room surrounded by unfamiliar faces. Somehow, her body reacted before her mind could. Andy jolted into a sitting position, swinging her legs off the table before kicking back the nearest person in the room. Her heart was racing and she could hardly think straight past the immediate sense of danger these unfamiliar people brought to her.

  "Agent Jones, we're not here to hurt you." Andrea couldn't tell who said it, but their words did little to ease her panic. She took a stance in the corner of the room, shielding her back while she assessed the situation. There were four people, with one still recovering from where Andy had kicked them to the floor. Their clothes gave the impression of nurses or doctors, but the guise was easy enough to fake.

  Andrea was dimly aware of a throbbing pain in her arm. She spared a momentary glance downwards, ripping out the IV without another thought. It was messy enough to leave blood blossoming on her skin in its place.

  "Andy..." The voice that spoke was soft. The brunette lifted her head, looking to the figure standing in the doorway.

  Andrea furrowed her brow. Through the panic, it took her a moment to place who it was, her mind searching for a name to the vaguely familiar face. Not a second later, the realization brought an immediate calm.

  "Natasha," Andy breathed out, expression softening. Her presence was a comfort that eased away her alarm. Any fear clouding her thoughts faded.

The mission. The gunshot. The grenade.

  Andy felt her knees go weak. The doctor she'd knocked down was immediate there, helping her back up. It was clear he harboured no hard feelings.

  "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me," she breathed. Though, Andrea was too exhausted to feel any real embarrassment. Her limbs protested against every movement now that the adrenaline had faded.

  The nurses helped her sit back down on the table and they picked up the stitching where they had left off. Fresh blood decorated the wound, but it was quickly cleaned. Andy felt her brow furrow as she watched the doctor work. Natasha came to stand by her side, waiting with the Jones woman as the doctor finished up.

  Nat audibly sighed, "You took a pretty hard hit, you know. Your body slowed the worst of the bleeding and any other damage caused by the explosion, but halfway back your body gave out and we had to put you in a Med-Pod."

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