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( chapter fourteen. )

Edited 12/25/2015 @3:24 PMEdited 11/23/2017 @9:46 PM

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Edited 12/25/2015 @3:24 PM
Edited 11/23/2017 @9:46 PM

  UPON ARRIVING AT THE hospital, Andrea found herself staring down a long corridor. She turned, watching as Steve— accompanied by Natasha— disappeared into a room. Out of sight. It meant that they were safe.

  She sighed, relieved to find that her friends were fine. Andy closed her eyes and let herself collapse against a nearby wall. Every muscle in her body ached, but she would find no rest here.

  "Are you alright?"

  She cut a glance over her shoulder, looking at the nurse who spoke. He watched her carefully. It was obvious that he found her appearance concerning, or threatening. Depending on how bad the assassin's damage was.

  Andrea attempted a nod, but the action itself was enough to say that she was anything but fine. Her body was still working to heal her bruises. It was going to take hours before she could fully recover.

  "I'm good" she forced out, "this is like a daily thing now. No biggie." Her reassurance was clearly lost on him. The nurse narrowed his eyes, studying her more closely.

Andy stood upright, suddenly nervous as she abandoned the support of the wall. "See, I'm completely fine," she continued, trying to back away.

  "You're bleeding," the nurse stated, staring at her face.

  Andrea frowned. Hesitantly, she felt for the cut at her lip and realized that the wound had reopened. She sucked in a sharp breath as it stung, eyes darting back to the man as he slowly approached.

  With every step closer, Andy took one step back. "Really, I'm fine," she said quickly, drawing nearer to the door that hid Steve.

"I've already been checked out by another nurse." The lie came smoothly. Andy had no qualms when it came to misleading civilians. 

  The man rose a brow, challenging her. "Oh? What's their name?" He pulled out a bottle of disinfectant and bandages from his scrubs.

It was Andrea's turn to raise her brow. She finally stopped running. At this point, it was safe to assume there was no getting out of this. At least, not without suspicion or fists, and the latter didn't seem too appropriate.

  "I, uh, I see you've prepared for this situation," she stuttered, avoiding the question.

The man said nothing, pointing to the only chair within vicinity. He gestured for her to sit. The strict look in his eyes said there was no room for arguing.

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