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( chapter nineteen. )

Edited 12/26/2015 @1:27 AMEdited 07/14/2016 @11:07 AMEdited 11/28/2017 @3:45 AM

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Edited 12/26/2015 @1:27 AM
Edited 07/14/2016 @11:07 AM
Edited 11/28/2017 @3:45 AM

  ANDREA'S RESOUNDING SIGH WAS ragged with aggravation. The impulse to throw Sitwell onto the freeway was hard-fought. They'd just hit the bridge travelling towards the Triskelion, loaded with one dicey plan and an unwilling accomplice.

However, they were about to have a very dead accomplice if he didn't stop nagging. If Jasper realized he was a hostage, he certainly didn't act like it. Constantly moaning about how dead he was 'when Pierce finds out.'

  Andy fixed him with a vicious look. "I guarantee, it isn't Pierce you should be worried about," she seethed.

From where he sat beside her, Sitwell cowered back into his seat. There was a secret joy in knowing her identity made for such an effectively imposing image. A few words from her and he was silent for a few short, but blissful moments.

That goes without saying, the peace didn't last very long.

  "Pierce doesn't like leaks," Sitwell muttered, taking a rather bold glance at Andrea.

  "Then try sticking a cork in it," Sam cut in, sparing a glance through his rearview mirror. Andrea grinned at Sam's support, while Sitwell sneered at him from the backseat.

Natasha shifted in her own spot by the window. "Insight launches in 16 hours. We're sort-of cutting it close here."

The words weren't an easy reminder. Andy found herself struggling against a sudden wave of anxiety. They would make it to the Triskelion— she knew that. It was the matter of how they were going to stop Project Insight that worried her.

Their half-baked plan was hardly something any sane person would willingly risk their lives on, but Andrea would. She always would. If worst came to worst, Andy would burn through every ounce of energy inside of her to stop those heli-carriers.

  "We'll make it," Steve said, and his words held a tone Andrea couldn't quite decipher. Disappointment? Anger? He was clearly beating himself up.

Andy found herself reaching for him before she could think better of it. With her hand on his arm, she tried to comfort him as best she could. Andy promised to be his support, in the same way he had been hers.

"It'll be fine," she insisted. "We'll just use Sitwell to bypass the genetic security scanner and gain access to the heli-carriers." Assuming anyone trusts the weasel enough to give him access to anything, Andrea thought to herself.

But from there, then what? It was a question none of them wanted to ask.

Sitwell, however, immediately began complaining.

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