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( chapter sixteen. )

Edited 12/25/2015 @8:30 PMEdited 07/12/2016 @7:52 AMEdited 11/27/2017 @4:09 AM

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Edited 12/25/2015 @8:30 PM
Edited 07/12/2016 @7:52 AM
Edited 11/27/2017 @4:09 AM

  THE DREAM WAS SO SHORT and yet, Andrea still woke with a knot in her chest. She opened her eyes to the feeling of a gentle nudge. It took her only a moment to fully rouse herself. When she looked over to Steve, she frowned, confused by the concern in his eyes.

  "You were crying in your sleep," he said softly, stepping back to let her sit up. He'd opened the door for her.

Andy reached for her face, shame burning through her chest as she quickly wiped away the evidence of her tears. Yet another weakness. How many more incidents would there be?

Why was it so hard to just be strong?

Right when she needed her strength the most, the world seemed dead-set on battering her further. Maybe it was a test, a call for her to prove that she deserved this second chance. With determination hardening her heart, Andrea knew that she would.

In whatever way the world needed, she would be the person that deserved another chance in this life. She'd make sure of it. For Fury's sake.

  "Was it because of him?" Andy tensed at Steve's question, freezing just as she went to exit the car.

She couldn't bring herself to meet his eyes; to let him see the sadness that ricocheted right through her. Even the mere mention of his existence hurt and she didn't want Steve to see her pain. It was wound so tightly to her heart, even after all these years.

  She could recall the memory vividly. From the smell of her room, to the sight of the fire, to the press of Bucky's lips against her forehead. Andy felt her heart ache all over again.

Would it ever stop being painful? Would she ever be able to look back and not feel a tremendous amount of loss?

  Andy sighed, pushing the memory from her mind before getting out of the car. "Yes," she admitted, knowing it would hurt worse to lie.

Andrea had told herself that she wouldn't push him away. But, it scared her to reveal her sorrows. What if he ran once he saw how truly damaged she was?

  Andy forced herself to meet his eyes and, with a jolting shock, she realized how very wrong she was. She saw it in his face. His eyes held a pain she resonated with and, suddenly, she remembered that it wasn't just her who had lost someone.

  She wasn't the only one who had suffered. He may not have endured torture, but Steve Rogers had still lost both his best friends. Grief had ruined them both.

  In that moment, as her lip trembled, Andy didn't care for weakness or strength. She didn't care what the world needed her to become. In her mind, the only thing that mattered was what Steve needed her to be— and that was his friend.

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