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( chapter twenty-four. )

Edited 12/26/2015 @3:12 PMEdited 07/27/2016 @1:59 AMEdited 11/30/2017 @10:33 PM

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Edited 12/26/2015 @3:12 PM
Edited 07/27/2016 @1:59 AM
Edited 11/30/2017 @10:33 PM

  ANDREA HELD HIS EYES, waiting for his response as she held her bow and arrows over the edge of the platform. The soldier kept silent for a moment as he stared at her, hesitating until he straightened suddenly. He moved his foot slowly, kicking the knife on the ground over the edge just as Andy let go of her own weapons.

  When the man finally nodded, Andy moved forward fast, ducking beneath the arm he swung out at her. She turned, coming up behind him and giving a hard push to his back. Bucky stumbled forwards, but quickly whirled around to grab at Andy, shoving her over the edge of the railing and onto the safeguard below.

  Andrea landed rough, but got up quickly and scrambled to find the chip. However, when she saw that it had already fallen below, the female cursed. She turned around, prepared to fight─ only to find that she was too late as a metallic hand wound its way around her neck.

  Andy choked for breath and brought her fist to the soldier's nose in a quick blow. It wasn't enough to break it, but it was hard enough to cause blood to begin gushing down the lower half of his face once more. The male let go of Andy in surprise and, before he could recover, she ran behind him and turned, kicking him over the edge of the platform.

  The brunette safely jumped down after him, searching for the chip as the Winter Soldier recovered. But, when she'd finally found it, she was sent flying to the ground before she could grab onto it. The female collapsed against the glass, watching as the frisbee of freedom clattered against the floor a few feet ahead of her.

  Steve must have dropped it in the midst of her sending him back, and it had fallen down here when she'd set off the explosion. Andrea sighed, cursing the blond for his inability to keep his shield. In spite of the hard blow, though, Andy quickly forced herself to recover. She had no other choice; there was no giving in.

  She had to get up, even when her body screamed in protest and her limbs felt like iron. She had to. Andrea dove for the shield as gunfire sounded, protecting herself from the bullets that the Winter Soldier shot her way. So much for no weapons, the female thought bitterly.

  But, from the very beginning she'd known; nothing about this fight was fair.

  As the soldier stopped to reload, Andy took her chance and threw the shield back towards him. She knew the action would fall short, but still couldn't help but feel disappointed as it was blocked by Bucky's metal arm. He ran towards her, the knife from earlier now clutched tightly in his hands.

  Andrea tried to dodge every slice he made at her, but he was fast and she was lacking energy. Then, before Andy knew it, he had brought the knife down into her shoulder, digging it into her with all his strength. She screamed in pain and brought her head forward, head-butting him and making him loosen his grip.

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