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( chapter three. )

Edited 11/26/2015 @10:57 AMEdited 04/17/2016 @2:24 AMEdited 11/15/2017 @12:18 AM

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Edited 11/26/2015 @10:57 AM
Edited 04/17/2016 @2:24 AM
Edited 11/15/2017 @12:18 AM

ANDREA FELT ANNOYANCE COURSE through her as the sound of her phone ringing from her bedside was heard. She buried her head beneath her pillow, desperate for just a minute longer of sleep. She clung to what was left of slumber, but found that the ringing of an incoming call wouldn't leave her alone that easily. In that moment, never before had the Jones girl been more tempted to throw something at the wall.

But, by some God-given miracle, Andy managed to refrain.

Rather than giving in to her anger, the brunette reached towards her nightstand and answered the phone with a string of incoherent profanities leaving her lips. Who in their right mind would wake up at such ungodly hours? "Make it a good," she seethed, tone menacing and─ breath smelling disgusting, she thought with a furrowed nose.

"Good morning to you too, sunshine." Andy sighed at the sound of Steve's voice chuckling from the other end of the line. Rubbing her eyes, she allowed a yawn to escape her lips. Her annoyance was eased with the knowledge that it was only him, but she was still irritated by the awakening.

"What in fresh hell, Steve." Andrea glanced at her clock. 7AM, the letters blinked at her. She didn't have to be at work until nine. "I'm not sure if your memory has suddenly gone awry, but I, for one, distinctly remember what happened the last time you woke me up and I won't hesitate to do it again." Steve only chuckled and, at the sound, the Jones girl allowed a smile to spread across her lips.

It was common knowledge that Andrea was the textbook definition of not a morning person. "Yes, Andy, I remember─ God knows you'd never let me forget. But, I, for one," his tone was mocking, "recall you saying that you wanted to go for a run with me. Hurry up, I'm making breakfast now." With that, Steve hung up.

Andy sighed before she reluctantly pulled herself out of bed. After brushing her teeth, the female looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her eyes followed the movements of her hands as she tied her hair into ponytail. She would need to keep it out of her face if she was going to be running. 

After she was done, the Jones girl couldn't help but pause for a second. Her gaze stared at the person looking back at her, studying the lines of her features. For a moment, she couldn't help but feel a certain disconnect with whoever was looking back at her. It was as if she wasn't seeing herself, like the girl before her was a mere facade.

  Was this really her? Andrea leaned in close, so close her breath fogged the mirror as she stared into her own reflection. Then, she shook her head, letting out a breathy laugh at her own idiotic actions. She was being foolish.

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