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( chapter eighteen. )

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Edited 12/26/2015 @12:58 AM
Edited 07/14/2016 @6:10 AM
Edited 11/28/2017 @3:08 AM

ANDREA APPEARED BACK AT Sam's house, collapsed on the floor of the guest room she'd been given. Her heart ached, with pain throbbing between her temples. She was overcome with the exhaustion of both her powers and the inability to save those like her. Weapons carved of broken bones.

  That man was shattered in a way she never thought possible, until she'd seen it— felt it— in herself.

Andy pressed a hand to her chest, trying to force back the sobs. She was so overwhelmed by her own emotions that she failed to notice how the house had gone quiet upon her arrival. She didn't care.

Andrea needed someone there. To comfort her when nothing else could. Even if she was the last person on Earth who deserved it.

"Andy?" The name was softly spoken, voice clearly shocked by her distress.

  Andrea couldn't bring herself to look up at Steve, but made no reproach as he came closer. He knelt down. Without another word, he was taking the Jones woman up in his arms. The sobs broke loose.

  "Don't ever do that again," he whispered as she clung to him.

  Andy tied herself to the Rogers man, as if he were the only thing holding her together. In truth, he probably was. In the vast expanse of everything that had happened to her, Steve Rogers was a constant.

The only other person in this world who might understand what she was going through.

For a moment, just Steve being there lessened the weight on her shoulders. Andy didn't want to let go. Somehow, it made her feel less guilty and weak.

Steve rubbed gentle circles into her back. "You said you were fine. Last time I'll ever trust your word." His attempt at bitter humor was enough to draw out a half-hearted laugh from Andrea, but it felt wrong— it felt sad.

Andy felt her lip tremble. "Did you really ever believe that?" She asked him, trying to tease.

However, to sit there and laugh after having someone risk their life for hers felt cruel. She pursed her lip, fingers curling into fists against Steve's back. She should have saved him.

"No," Steve admitted, "but I knew that you wanted to be strong." 

It was a lie. She wasn't strong. Andy had put up a facade that could only last so long against a dam bound to break.

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