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( chapter four. )

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Edited 04/19/2016 @11:17 AM
Edited 11/15/2017 @12:58 PM



  The brunette lifted her eyes from where she'd just finished strapping a gun to her thigh. Her gaze met Rumlow's impatient one easily, but she would be lying if she said she'd been paying attention. She didn't particularly see the need, considering she had already gone over their file.

  It was bad enough that their jobs were nearly always accompanied by the S.T.R.I.K.E. team. Andrea didn't want to have to listen to Rumlow's voice any more than necessary. It had a rather grating effect on her nerves.

  The Jones girl liked to think that she had good reason for her distaste. Rumlow made it clear what he thought about her. Making it a point to publicly call her out, like he had just now. If he was waiting for Andy to slip up, he was never going to get the chance. He liked to push her buttons and, while that might have been admirable to some in a leader, it did little to impress her.

  Andrea stood and crossed her arms over her chest, "I've already gone over our mission objective. We infiltrate quietly, rescue the hostages, and arrest Batroc. Your job is to brief your men, not me."

  Rumlow did little to hide his annoyance, taking a daring step closer. "And what exactly is your job, Jones?"

  Andy inhaled slowly to quell her annoyance. Perhaps it was Rumlow's scruffy-looking face that made her so irritated, or the hard-ass exterior that could have rivalled even Steve's. She wasn't really sure, but there was something about him that always set her off.

  It was a certain kind of feeling that told her not to trust him, and Andrea rarely doubted her own intuition.

  She rose a brow, "Call me your insurance policy— for when you encounter the things you can't handle." Andy grinned, though she made sure it lacked menace as she wiggled her fingers, set alight in a blue hue.

  Rumlow curled his lip, but said nothing as he turned his back on the brunette. She rolled her eyes as soon as he was gone. It was always a relief to be rid of him.

  At the head of the room, closest to where Rumlow had finished briefing everyone, Andy watched as Steve remarked to Natasha about being Fury's janitor. She sighed, immediately turning her attention away. She was already annoyed as it was— and getting involved with Steve while he was just as irked wasn't a smart idea.

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