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( chapter eleven. )

Edited 12/25/2015 @3:08 PMEdited 07/09/2016 @4:16 AMEdited 11/19/2017 @12:01 AM

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Edited 12/25/2015 @3:08 PM
Edited 07/09/2016 @4:16 AM
Edited 11/19/2017 @12:01 AM

AS ANDY WATCHED THROUGH the window into the operating room, she felt a certain numbness creep over her. Empty eyes watched as doctors rushed around Fury's unconscious body. It was chaotic, but they were doing everything they could.

Still, she wondered; would it be enough?

Emotion snuck up on her and she swallowed roughly. She hoped it would be. Andrea rubbed at her arms. She felt hollow and cold─ like something less than human. It was a wonder how she was able to watch as her life fell apart without breaking down.

But, Andy had felt the shift inside of her and knew it was to blame.

From the moment they'd arrived, her focus had gone into a state of half there, half far, far away. Her mind was a safe space where her thoughts could run rampant. It was a much needed distraction─ or, rather a sense of protection─ from anything that might sabotage her composure.

Though, Andrea was sure that even without her jumbled thoughts, she still wouldn't be able to figure out what she should be feeling.

She had felt loss, and experienced grief in ways unimaginable. But, now, she could feel none of that─ and despite the fact that she wasn't religious, Andy found herself praying that she wouldn't have to. The thought of losing Fury made her protection feel like nothing more than a facade.

And she had to believe it was more than that.

Natasha's voice was a sudden reprieve from the silence, "Tell me about the shooter."

Andrea blinked once, then twice before replying. "He's strong and fast─ skilled beyond what I thought he was capable of." Talking alone felt sour on her tongue, never-mind just describing the one man who had sent her life to hell.

"The most identifiable thing about him was his left arm. It was complete metal," she continued. "We were nearly level in skill, but he─" Andrea paused against the grit of her teeth.

"He was better than me," she admitted, fingers curling into fists.

"He'll easily adapt to your skill set. You may not be his assigned target, but he won't hesitate to put a bullet through you if it means completing the mission." Andy found herself suddenly pulling back from the window.

With no distraction to maintain her emotions, she couldn't help but feel overcome with guilt. Tears stung her eyes as she realized that this was all her fault. Andy let her head fall into her hands. God, how did she live with herself?

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