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( chapter ten. )

Edited 12/23/2015 @2:18 AMEdited 07/04/2016 @8:02 AMEdited 11/18/2017 @7:49 PM

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Edited 12/23/2015 @2:18 AM
Edited 07/04/2016 @8:02 AM
Edited 11/18/2017 @7:49 PM

  UPON FOLLOWING THE trail Fury had left behind, Andrea found herself in the city's underground storm-drain system. The scent wafting throughout the tunnel was overwhelming, but with no other means of escape, Andy found that disgust and personal hygiene fell short on her long list of concerns.

  The longer she wandered in the dark, the more the walls seemed too suffocatingly close. What if they got to Nick before she could? The thought made Andy's stomach turn. Her footsteps quickened. She felt disoriented by the encounter she'd just escaped and maybe that had more to do with her injuries, but it still bothered her.

  Andrea exhaled a deep breath. Now wasn't the time to wonder at these odd happenings. She continued through the tunnels until slivers of light cut across her path. Andy stopped, looking above her head to where the light filtered in.

  Reaching out to the wall, the Jones girl felt relief wash over her as her hands wrapped around what was undoubtedly the rung of a ladder. She climbed up to a street opening and pushed against the cover, carefully peeking her head out.

  There wasn't much traffic and, upon catching a glimpse of a nearby street sign, Andrea found that she was in the residential area only a few blocks from her apartment. Understanding came to her quickly then; she knew exactly where Fury was headed.

  Andy took to the alleyways, making herself swift and running in spite of every sore muscle or bruised body part. The only thing that mattered to her was making sure that Fury had made it to her apartment— that he was safe.

  As she arrived at the stairs leading up to her building, Andy launched herself up the steps towards the entrance. Her heart was beating fast. There was no time to hesitate, but the distant roar of a motorcycle made her falter. Andrea knew that sound, and every muscle froze in place.

  The engine cut off just a few feet behind her, and every second she stood there felt wasted.

  "Where have you been?" Steve called out, voice indignant. He was annoyed.

  Andy couldn't bring herself to look at him. Every decision she made right now was time-valuable. She weighed her options. She could ignore him and wait to explain later, but what if she walked right into an ambush?

  She had no idea what they were up against. More than anything else, what Andrea needed was Steve on her side, and pissing him off wasn't exactly a great start.

  She turned to face her friend. Steve was already making his way up the steps, but he halted as his gaze met the wound on Andy's forehead. The reaction was immediate.

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