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( chapter one. )

Edited 11/26/2015 @10:30 AM Edited 04/16/2016 @12:17 AMEdited 10/29/2017 @5:14 PMEdited 11/6/2017 @11:17 AM

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Edited 11/26/2015 @10:30 AM
Edited 04/16/2016 @12:17 AM
Edited 10/29/2017 @5:14 PM
Edited 11/6/2017 @11:17 AM

  MEMORY IS A FICKLE, TRICKY THING─ subject to sudden and rapid change in the face of turmoil or trauma. The only issue was that, upon being told those very words, Andrea Claire Jones could not surmise what could have possibly been horrible enough for her to forget a lifetime's worth of memories. Her entire identity.

See, when Andrea had been submitted to a hospital under the guidance of S.H.I.E.L.D's Director Fury, she had no clue as to who she was or where she had come from. The only real thing she could sure of was that chaos was now a tangible thing, and it swam in her veins. No longer just a word, disorder was now a direct extension of Andrea Claire Jones.

But, once admitted from the hands of skilled doctors and therapists who had concluded her sanity, Andy was thrust into the arms of S.H.I.E.L.D's protection. She may not have had a memory to rely on, but she had a place in the world and a new life to craft for herself.

  Or, so Director Fury had told her.

And Andrea took that leap of faith─ made her choice and had to trust that it was the right one. She didn't have a family to stand behind her or friends to lend their knowledge in her decisions. Only Andy could decide the future for herself. Only she had the power to make that choice.

  But, as her time with S.H.I.E.L.D lengthened, the female found that she didn't need those things─ and why would she? 

She may not have had a family or friends prior to joining S.H.I.E.L.D, but she had new ones awaiting her as soon as she arrived─ and they came in the form of the Avenger's. The constant threat of chaos may have swam in Andrea's veins, but the Avengers were the remedy to her fear and anxiety; a point of focus and a reason for why she must control herself.

Andrea would never hurt them, but she would be the cause of ruin for those who were brave enough to try in her presence.

Yes, memory was a fickle and tricky thing, but perhaps it was blinding as well─ and perhaps it was opportunity in hidden form. Or, rather, it was the lack of memory that gave her these opportune moments with her newfound friends. This newfound family. Andrea Claire Jones may have left a lifetime behind her, but maybe─ just maybe─ she had a better one waiting ahead.

Andrea pushed open the glass doors of S.H.I.E.L.D's entrance with a grin, her eyes looking up at the glass ceilings with wonder. A vast expanse of blue loomed above, while a whole colony of grey busybodies in pant-suits and pencil skirts swarmed below. Andy smoothed out her t-shirt, but didn't feel too self-conscious.

Besides, her delinquent revolt against S.H.I.E.L.D's dress code was an intended effect. She had an identity to make for herself, and she wouldn't let S.H.I.E.L.D. smother that beneath a bland sense of uniform. Why give her the keys if she was never allowed to drive?

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