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( chapter seven. )

Edited 11/22/2018 @11:21 PM

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Edited 11/22/2018 @11:21 PM

( after memory one & two. )

  ANDREA HEAVED A SIGH, CONTENT as she kicked the porch swing into motion. From over the fence, two children playing in the neighbouring yard caught her attention. Andy watched as the pair giggled, chasing each other with little care in the world.

She smiled with reminisce, longing for that same childhood ease.

  Things seemed to be changing so fast. High school had long since ended and any spare time she had now was spent volunteering as a nurse. It felt strange, to think that this was her life now. It made her feel as though she were stuck.

Andy shifted in her seat, feeling restless. There had to be something more she could be doing. Her eyes closed as she imagined the battlefield. The war waging on. How could she just sit here as the world around her descended into chaos?

  "Andy?" At the sound of her name being called, Andrea opened her eyes. She recognized the voice of Steve long before she looked down the porch steps. Her smiled turned to a grin when she caught sight of both Steve and Bucky.

  Rising from the swing, Andy made her way to the porch railings to peer down at them. "Well, what could possibly bring Brooklyn's most eligible bachelors to my front door?" She teased, mildly intrigued.

  Andrea hadn't seen the pair for days. But, that likely had something to do with the hospital she worked at being low on staff. Andy had been swamped, offering to help as much as she could.

"Well, we were going to ask you out for ice-cream. But, clearly you'd rather daydream on your swing like someone's grandmother. So, I guess we'll leave you to it." Bucky's retort came with a cheeky grin.

  Andy rolled her eyes, "Well, if this is how you ask a girl out, I can't possibly imagine why you're still single."

  Bucky rose a brow. Andrea grinned as she walked down the steps to take his arm. All the previous stress from work seemed forgotten now.

  She feigned a sigh, "Luckily, I think I can make time in my busy schedule for you two."

  "You really know how make a man feel loved," Bucky said, clutching his heart while Andy and Steve laughed. The group started for the nearby shop, walking in comfortable silence.

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