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( chapter fifteen. )

Edited 12/25/2015 @8:18 PMEdited 07/11/2016 @5:27 AM

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Edited 12/25/2015 @8:18 PM
Edited 07/11/2016 @5:27 AM

THE DRIVE TO THE COORDINATES was peaceful. Beautiful, in a way that felt too good to be true. With the sun out and the fields of farmland around them, it would have been easy to forget that they were fugitives on the run.

  However, rather than enjoy it, Andy found herself put off by the stillness and silence. Her thoughts were no escape, either. So, her fingers held her focus as she toyed with a loose thread on her jeans. Not even the passing scenery could comfort her. 

  With everything going on around them, it was hard. Andy bit down on her lip, struggling beneath the weight of her thoughts. She worried about everything; from Fury, to the assassin, and the world so unaware of what a compromised S.H.I.E.L.D. meant.

  And then, beneath all that worry was anger and grief.

  It was a wonder how Natasha could sleep. But, with her skill, compartmentalization likely came easy. Still, it was a wonder how any of them could keep moving. Moments of peace like this only made rest look easy.

However, Andy found herself proven wrong when a voice spoke up from the backseat, "Can I ask you both a question?" In response, Andy turned her head to look at Nat.

"Which, you don't have to answer," the Romanoff woman continued. "But, if you don't, it's kind-of like you're still answering—" Andy smiled at her rambling.

  It was cute to see Nat hesitant to ask them something. She simply wasn't the type to skirt around conversation. Which, also made Andrea mildly suspicious.

  But, before she could question Nat, Steve cut in. "What is it?" He asked, giving her a look that said, 'get to the point.'

  Natasha grinned, "Was that your guys' first kiss since 1945?" She glanced between the pair with little-to-no shame in her eyes. Rather, she seemed amused by the conversation.

Andy couldn't help but gasp. "I'm insulted," she replied, pouting. She would've liked to think that Nat had a little more faith in her experience. After all, it wasn't as if Andy was totally unfeeling.

It was just that, with their jobs, it was hard to work a love-life into the equation— and she wasn't exactly interested in starting either. Sure, she'd dated here and there. But, none of them had ever been anything serious.

  As Andy turned back to the window, she couldn't help but frown as she realized how lonely that sounded. Though, with her memory flickering back to her past love, she felt her heart falter. Of all her recollections, both past and present, she knew that she had never loved anyone as much as she loved Bucky. She never would.

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