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( chapter nine. )

Edited 11/23/2015 @1:53 AMEdited 06/07/2016 @2:11 AMEdited 11/18/2017 @4:54 PM

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Edited 11/23/2015 @1:53 AM
Edited 06/07/2016 @2:11 AM
Edited 11/18/2017 @4:54 PM

  THE DREAM ( or rather the memory... ) ENDED abruptly as Andrea awoke with a gasp. Her hands latched onto the sheets of her hospital bed while pain latched itself to her chest. She was hardly aware as her fingers clawed at the stiff linen. Everything seemed so out of focus in comparison to the grief of her past as the memories weighed heavily on her conscience.

  Everything was coming on too fast. It was as if she were there again, reliving every moment as bullets ricocheted from her gun and drops of scarlet blood wept from the wounds opened by her knife. It stole her breath as panic curled unrelenting fingers around her throat. Andy could hardly breathe.

  She threw herself into a sitting position, hand on her heart as she worked through the urge to scream out her agony. This feeling was unbearable. Andy knew she should have stifled her sobs. But, no matter how hard she fought, the effort proved useless against this hell of her own making.

  By the time Andrea noticed the sleeping form of Steve in the chair next to her, it was already too late to silence herself. Steve was already jolting awake and rushing to her side. He leaned over the edge of the hospital bed, voice soothing as he tried to help her.

  Still, Andy couldn't bring herself to meet his eyes. "What's wrong? What's going on?" He coaxed; putting a comforting hand on her arm. His own distress was evident and she felt her heart give way to another ache. Knowing that he was troubled because of her was a burden she couldn't carry.

  She didn't want to worry him, but how could she lie and say that she was fine?

  If her current state were any indication, she was far from it─ and who would be? Andy lifted her head and the realization that she was crying seemed to strike the Rogers man just then. His expression fell as he quickly enveloped his best friend in a hug. The hush of comforting words were all that could be heard between them as he held Andy close.

  Andy did her best to stem the tears that ran down her face, but it was almost impossible. With Steve's arms wrapped tightly around her, she felt safe and reassured. His mere presence brought forth the realization that he wasn't truly gone. It was like he promised; he hadn't left her. He wasn't going to leave her behind.

  After a few moments had passed and breathing finally seemed manageable, Andy finally spoke. "I remember," she whispered as her fingers clutched Steve's jacket. She could feel him tense momentarily, but he was quick to relax. Andy figured that he must have known that this would happen.

  After all, her memories were bound to resurface sooner or later. Though, Andy couldn't help but selfishly wish it had been the latter. At the very least, she might have been spared from this pain. Even if it was only for a little while longer.

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