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( chapter eight. )


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( after memory one, two, and three. )

  IT WAS THE NIGHT BEFORE BUCKY'S departure and Andy decided that the best way to spend their last few hours together was by going out. They were currently at an event called the Stark Expo, hosted by no other than Howard Stark himself. Though, to tell the truth, Andrea couldn't say she cared much for the man. She was only there for the fireworks and her friends.

However, the Jones girl had to admit that she was enjoying his theatrics onstage, to some extent.

"You know, I still can't believe you didn't tell me about you enlisting and Steve's program," Bucky said as the three wove their way through the crowd.

  Andrea rolled her eyes, sensing that he was still worrying over the situation. It wouldn't be long before her and Steve were set to depart for their base.

"Listen, I was just working up the courage to tell you," she tried to reason.

The Barnes man gave a humoured scoff as Andy looped her arm through his, "No, the only reason you admitted to it was because I saw the enlistment form at the registration office." He looked down at the brunette with challenge.

Andrea shrugged, "Who knows, maybe I planted the form so you would see it."

Bucky chuckled, "I doubt that, but whatever makes you feel better." He pulled the brunette closer, kissing the side of her head. Andrea grinned at the affection. Glancing behind them, she laughed at the sight of Steve making puking gestures with his hands.

She waved him over, "What do you think you're doing, lingering behind?" Andrea's tone was scolding as she linked arms with the blond.

"Well some of us don't exactly enjoy being the third-wheel," Steve retorted with a grin.

Andy sighed, "Fine, I promise to keep the PDA to a minimum." Steve only hummed his response, though it sounded strangely like doubt to her. The Jones girl laughed before turning to watch as the fireworks began.

A smile adorned her lips as she looked up at the night sky, watching the blasts of colour with bliss. Andrea turned to Bucky with a smile, only to find that he was already staring down at her. His expression made her heart do a strange flip and the feeling was as exhilarating as ever. "What?" Andy asked, brow furrowed in confusion.

Bucky smiled softly, "Nothing, I just really love you."

Andy rose a brow at the sudden declaration. "Charming," she replied with a grin, though his words made her heart race.

"Always," Bucky said gently before leaning down to swiftly kiss her.

Andrea grinned, promise to Steve already broken as she pulled away to met his gaze. "I love you too, Bucky." She replied softly, leaning up to teasingly kiss the side of his mouth. Another day, and another moment to cherish when he was gone.

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