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( chapter two. )

Edited 04/16/2016 @2:12 AMEdited 11/6/2017 @12:01 PM

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Edited 04/16/2016 @2:12 AM
Edited 11/6/2017 @12:01 PM

  ANDREA'S SMILE WAS bright as she walked the streets of Washington, DC with Steve by her side. Her gaze wandered anywhere and everywhere, basking in the beauty of the city as night approached. It filled Andrea with a certain kind of content. She loved living here. It was the only place she knew, the only place she called home.

As the Jones girl's gaze wandered the streets, a vintage store caught her eye, instantly eliciting a grin from the female. She grabbed onto Steve's hand, pulling him along in the direction of the store. Her amusement and happiness made Steve smile, it was refreshing to have someone like her in his life. She was full of surprises, and nothing ever got old. It reminded Steve of a long-forgotten childhood.

Almost as soon as they entered, Andrea quickly began to gawk. Everything in the shop held some form of age and beauty and it made the Jones girl fall in love. She adored everything vintage. Anything with age and a story seemed to captivate her, and she imagined what it would be like to have something like it linked to her past. Maybe her interest had something to do with her memory loss and how, even as happy as she was, there was a part of her that couldn't help but wonder.

Still, Andy couldn't help but indulge in imagination as she ran her hands gently over the fabric of an old dress. Behind her, the setting sun peered briefly between two buildings, glinting off the jewelry in the glass case behind the clothes. Andy's attention caught on a locket. She reached into the case, picking up the necklace with care before heading over to the cashier.

"Excuse me, how much is this?" She questioned, smiling when his cheeks flared. His flustered expression drew out a kind grin as he rang up the cost hurriedly. "Twenty-four dollars, and ninety-nine cents," the boy replied softly and Andrea handed him thirty. She didn't question the high price. It was a beautiful item and she had more than enough for it.

The cashier gave her back her change and Andy turned on her heel, happily clasping the locket around her neck. She then hooked her arm with Steve's, the pair walking out the door side by side. He didn't question her sudden on-sight spending, it was just the way Andrea was. Besides, she was mostly reasonable anyways. If she wanted to spend on herself sometimes, it was her choice.

"So, where to next Captain?" Steve looked around for a suitable place to eat. Once he found one, he began leading Andy towards it. A laugh escaped her. "Really Steven, shawarma?" She asked as she glanced up at the sign, though she didn't really mind. It was a familiar food, considering how it had been the Avenger's refuel station after the Battle of New York.

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