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( chapter twenty-two. )

Edited 12/26/2015 @2:57 PMEdited 07/25/2016 @2:06 AMEdited 11/30/2017 @12:41 PM

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Edited 12/26/2015 @2:57 PM
Edited 07/25/2016 @2:06 AM
Edited 11/30/2017 @12:41 PM

  FROM ACROSS THE TABLE, Andrea watched as Fury took out a picture of Pierce. She couldn't help herself, eyes carefully studying the man they were meant to put their trust into. Someone she had never doubted before.

Maybe she should have known better than to be cautious. But, it was like Nick had said; who could they trust? It wasn't as if she suspected him of taking up allegiance with HYDRA. Andrea simply figured that, if she watched Fury closely, she might be able to discern what he was feeling— what he was thinking.

  Or something along those lines.

  He was frusterated, that much was easy to see. But, beyond all that, Andrea could detect traces of disappointment in his most subtlest of tells. Whether his inability to catch onto HYDRA was the cause, or because Pierce had shown where his true loyalties lie, she couldn't tell.

  However, Andy knew it had to have stung. By now, hurt was a familiar concept to the Jones woman. She liked to think that she was good at identifying it.

Fury had missed all of the signs (if there even were any) and now they were bordering on being just too late to stop them. That kind of slip-up was bound to leave its mark. God knows how Andy already felt it.

But, until she was dead, she refused to lose hope— simply because it was all they had left.

  Nick passively tossed the picture onto the table. "This is the same man that declined a Nobel Peace Prize," he told them, finger pointed accusingly at Pierce's face. "He said, 'Peace isn't an achievement, it's a responsibility.'"

"You see," Nick said, looking around the table. "It's that kind of shit that gives me trust issues."

Andy could only afforr a half-hearted smile, reaching out to pick up the photo. The Jones woman turned it over in her hands, staring down at the picture. Anger burned in her chest. Volatile. Painful.

And it wasn't because she knew Pierce personally enough to suffer the betrayal. It was because she knew what kind of man he was from the start. He'd shown it to her; blatantly and openly, when he'd called both her and Steve into his office.

  She wanted to break something. She should've known better than to not trust her instincts. It was infuriating to think that HYDRA still had the ability to make her question herself. To make her doubt everything.

  At the very least, it was a comfort to know that she still had some killer intuition. Not that it had helped them much now. Staring at Pierce in the photograph, Andy felt rage stir inside her. All this time, they'd been right in front of her and she had no idea. Not even the slightest suspicion.

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