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( chapter thirteen. )

Edited 07/10/2016 @7:20 AMEdited 11/21/2017 @1:07 AM

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Edited 07/10/2016 @7:20 AM
Edited 11/21/2017 @1:07 AM

  BEFORE ANYONE COULD REACT, Andy reached forward and pushed the agent in front of her. She slammed him into the elevator doors, dodging the wild swing he made at her with his taser. These people were sloppy.

There was no way she was going to let them win this fight.

  When the agent turned, Andrea brought her fingers behind his head, shoving her knee into his face. He was stunned by the crack of his nose breaking, but she had no time to admire her work. Besides, his cries were good enough for her to enjoy.

  Andy felt a S.T.R.I.K.E. member grab her from behind. She reached for their hand, dislocating fingers to loosen their grip. As the attacker cried out in pain, she slid her foot back and shifted her weight to launch them over her shoulder. He landed on the agent, who still lay choking on his own blood.

  She inhaled a deep breath. With both figures disoriented, Andrea grabbed a baton from one of their belts. She landed two quick strikes to the head. Her strength and speed doubled normality and both men were eliminated in seconds.

Andy turned then, distracted by the sound of Steve struggling. His hand had been bound to the wall by a magnetic cuff, while an agent stunned him with a taser. The device was a prototype she'd seen before.

Andy gave an exasperated sigh, "Do I have to do everything myself?"

  Lifting her arm, she brought the baton down on the agent's head before he could attach the second device to Steve's wrist. The impact sent his body sliding limply to the ground. Immediately, every agent still standing turned to face her.

  Andy flicked a piece of hair out of her face. "Don't hold back," she said, her grin charmed by the challenge.

Before anyone could attack, Andrea teleported. She appeared behind another agent and struck the necessary pressure points with ease. His body crumpled to the floor.

  She wasn't too worried about fighting dirty, considering they had meant to ambush them.

  Turning around, Andrea swiped out the feet of a second agent who dove for her. His grip on his taser weakened and the weapon fell. Andrea snatched at it, picking the taser up and bringing it to the agent's head.

Within seconds, his body fell slack to join the rest of his friends. When she was done, Andy stood slowly to face the last two remaining; Rumlow and another S.T.R.I.K.E. agent.

  In a swift movement, Andrea swung out her leg to dislocate the other agent's knee with a resounding snap. She swung her fist, connecting her knuckles with the man's face before slamming his head against the elevator bar. These people were so easily taken down, it was embarrassing.

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