The Rebirth of Ramen

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"I know, how to cooked other kinds of dishes, but the problem is the ingredients" y/n said as she already volunteer to help.

"Yeah, I understand, We have to think about it" Senku thought.

"Are you guys really going to make a food?"Kohaku asked.

"That has nothing to do with Science though" Chrome said with an unimpressed look.

*This show that he is still amateur* she thought.

Senku merely smirked at Chrome "You still got a long way to go, Chrome,It has Everything to do with it, Food equal Science, Just where do you think makes up Umami in that fish you always eat"

"It's Glumatic and Inosinic acid" Y/n and Senku said at the same time.

*Gluma? Sonic?* Chrome said as he asked y/n about it. Before y/n explained what's an Glumatic and Inosinic something caught her eye that she immediately convey the information to Senku.

"Senku" y/n said and point at Suika who is currently playing with her pet dog outside.

Senku stare at the where she pointed at. It was Suika playing with his pet dog.

"Suika, What is that, you've got there?" Senku asked as it caught his attention. Meanwhile Y/n explained what is Glumatic and Inosinic to Chrome.

Suika was swishing a plant like a toy.

"Oh, this? This is Suika's friend's chalk the dog's favorite toy! it's a Green dogtail"

"You mean a Green foxtail" Senku said correcting Suika, when he finally got the idea, due to excitement, Senku jump out of the hut.

"With fox tails, we might just be able to make it, This is something all the humans of our old world loved, it was that world's greatest delicacy" Senku said while pointing at Green foxtail that Suika hold.

After that Senku wince in pain. He landed in the wrong foot.

"Ouch..." Senku said with an super dry tone before he lost his balance on his foot.

Y/n who saw the whole scenario, y/n could only sighed as she expected that.

"Are you okay, senku?" Y/n asked while going down using the ladder.

"How weak" Kohaku commented to Senku who is currently taking his time to relaxed his strained muscle.

Chrome merely give Senku an look that he sympathize him. As he recall his experience.

"It hurts, y/n" Senku said with an teary eyed expression.

Y/n sighed and poke his foot softly. Senku wince in pain and whine at her.

"What are you doing, it hurts"

"Bare with it, Senku, I have to massage your foot, since Senku suddenly jump from the hut that it strained your joints" y/n said as she gently massage his foot.

Kohaku, Chrome and Suika watch y/n massage Senku's foot. It was also shown in his face that he was on the verge of crying in pain.

Y/n thought about, Senku's Dad, If ever Byakuya saw Senku, he will non-stop tease him for being a crybaby. Y/n couldn't help but smile by the mere idea of it.

"What are you grinning about?" Senku asked.

"Just thought about of Byakuya-san reaction" y/n bluntly replied.

Senku merely frowned, when y/n mentioned his Dad, Kohaku, Suika and Chrome didn't bothered the two when they were talking.

After that y/n and Senku asked Suika where there's a lot of Green foxtail.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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