Edible or Poisonous, Cave

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3rd POV

"RRAAGH, I have come back, Senku, y/n" Taiju said after he had a wild dash in the forest to look for something to eat.

"Welcome back, Taiju" y/n said while Senku just look at the basket.

"Wow you got so much, you got some real crazy cheat going on with your endurance there, Taiju" Senku said and get two basket and separating all edible and not edible.

Senku POV

I just separated all edible from poisonous plants.

"Amanita Virosa! Poison, next Hypsizgus Tesselatus, Brown clamshell! Food, Amanita Muscaria,Fly Agaric! Poison! Can't you not tell by just looking at it, it looks like the one in Mario" I scolding said as I'm still sorting and explaining to him.

"you can't blame him, Senku, Taiju doesn't know about the species of poisonous plants and edible ones" y/n said.

She is always so naive when it comes to Taiju's illogical mind.

"Artemisia princeps, Japanese mugwort, Food!, Aconitum Wolf's bane, Are you trying to kill us, you big oaf" I said which Taiju is dumbfounded that half of what he gets is all poisonous.

Y/n just pat my back and start to make fire to cook the meat and mushrooms big oaf get.

I could only sigh at him and get the sea salt to season the food.

"Ohh! Delicious what did you season on it, Senku!" Big oaf asked while having a food inside his mouth.

"Taiju, don't speak when your mouth is full, you going to choke" y/n said. And there goes y/n well manners habits.

" Ohh My bad, y/n" big oaf apologetic said to y/n while I eat and afterwards explain to Taiju.

"Just an regular salt, I had extract from the sea water with just salt added humans can eat just about anything, Salt also is indispensable in preserving food it was a probably primitive man's greatest discovery" I explain and eat another mushrooms and meat.

"Ohh thank you, Senku, y/n for all of this, I repay you both from kind, determination and strength" Taiju said as he eat and get his basket again.

Y/n stand up and get some basket also.

"Where you going?"

"I just accompany Taiju, to avoid poisonous plants, I'm worried, if he doesn't know it's poisonous and he eats it" y/n calmly said and call Taiju to wait for her.

I sighed and facepalm, "you treating big oaf like a kid, y/n..." I said to myself and a bit jealous.

"You coming along too, Y/n?" Taiju asked.

Y/n just nods.

While I just watch them from afar and y/n look at me and wave. I wave back at her and Taiju notice and does the same thing.

"I couldn't get mad at her or at big oaf at all" I said to myself.

And walk back to the Lab.


I had accompany Taiju from his search for food plants that are edible.

Taiju speak breaking my train of thoughts.

"So...y/n I heard that you woke up, one month after Senku woke up, which part were you?" He curiously asked.

"I was in the bush, completely hidden by his sight, Senku said he first saw you, when he get free from the stone" I said.

"Hmm...I see, But then how did you and Senku met each other when he doesn't know about you?"

"Hmm...when I was walking around, seeking for woods and stones, I could use to survive, that's when I cross paths with President whose fully clothed and me naked" I said calmly while Taiju blush and his eyes look like its going to pop out.

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