Temporary Goodbyes

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3rd POV

Senku been working alone, for straight one month, he was so focus on surviving and ignore his fatigue as much as he can. That wasn't his first he faint, he faint many times and whenever that happens. When he woke up, he resume again.

While Senku was unconscious by Y/n who found him laying down in the ground, so she carry him in the treehouse and put an medicine herbs, that she saw for bumps.

She was naked and wasn't embarrassed, cause there in stone age, so it doesn't matter, if she is wearing her birthday suit but then, she's not used to walking around naked.

So she only put vines around her waist and chest,

"Hmm...this will do, and it's getting dark, President isn't awake yet, based on my observation, he faint due to over fatigue, I'm amaze he have made a camp, President is really amazing" y/n thought to herself and decided to catch a fish and made a camp fire. In case that Senku woke up, he sure be waking up hungry.

By the scent of the cooked fish, That Woke Senku up.

"Food! Huh? Why am I inside the treehouse, how did I get here?" Senku questioning himself, when he remember the smell of a cooked fish. And the burn woods.

"I'm 10 billion percent sure, that I faint in front of the tree house, much more, I didn't make a camp fire" he thought to himself and get his stone weapon for protection. 

When he hear a very familiar voice.

"Are you awake now, president?" The voice asked as she heard the creaking sound that he is awake.

He know very well, who owns that voice very much, 

it's y/n!

His heart beating fast from excitement to know, She is fine and alive, He is happy to see y/n after a long time. So he just rush to go outside.

 So he just rush to go outside

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"Calm yourself down, Senku...your being irrational" Senku thought to himself as he look at somewhere else. He was planning to hug y/n, but when he saw the sight of the bush fashion, he retreat.

"Glad, your awake now" y/n said.

"Why, your not wearing any clothes" Senku said.

Y/n just tilt her head.

"I don't have one, only this plant, I wrapped around my body is the clothing, I can use" she said.

" I got a extra clothes inside the tree house, you could have just used it" Senku said but then he remembers that y/n wouldn't never take anything that isn't hers,  and when she wanted something she asked permission first.

Senku just sigh and go back to the tree house to get the extra clothes he made.

"Here, put this on" Senku said still his face beat red and avoid to look at you.

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