5 years

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Senku POV

I was busy doing my stuffs and waiting for y/n to arrived to join me.

When big oaf suddenly entered and start screaming about confessing to yuzuriha.

"LISTEN UP SENKU!!!" Big oaf said while he sound like screaming and the same time he entered the room.

"I have made up my mind, I'm going to confess my feelings, I've had for yuzuriha for the past five years" He boldly declared.

"Yeah, well that sure sounds very interesting" I said while I'm taking care of the experiment that y/n and I currently working.

"Ohh I be cheering you so hard that my vocal cords would snapped from here in the science lab" I sarcastic respond while looking at him and back to our experiment.

"OHH YOU WILL, THANK YOU, SENKU!!!" Big oaf respond as he didn't noticed the sarcastic respond.

"Shut up, I am not cheering one millimeter for you, You big oaf"


"And you haven't said anything five years, how illogical can you be, Idiot" While I scooted down to fetch a flask.

"I've got something for you, that's logical as hell" I said and show the flask.

"A drug that stimulates your pheromone output to the max" I said with an evil face.

As I simplify the things, I said to big oaf.

"A love potion, if you will take this then, you're set ten billion percent" I grinning devilishly towards Taiju. After what I said big oaf just take it and throw the liquid inside the flask.

"Thank you Senku, but sorry. I can't rely on cheap tricks" big oaf said and walk his way out to the science lab and that I noticed y/n, that she's been in the room for how long?

"How long you've been there?" I said.

"Just long enough to know about the love potion" she replied back.

"Speaking of that, Seriously, Senku about the love potion?" One member of the club asked while the others look interested.

"Senku, I never thought...instead of becoming scientist, you become a wizard" y/n said, I know she was teasing me, knowing she know that it's not love potion at the first place.

I just frown at the question.

"As if something like that exists, that was only a gasoline" I said throwing a light match to the sink and it burn.

Startling the two members whose close to the sink.

"I refined it from plastic bottle caps"

"So that's why, I collected a lot of plastics" Y/n muttering said which I smirk at her.

"Don't tell me Senku, you..." She didn't continue while I smirk over confident at her.

And continue to speak.

"Think about the molecular structure of polyethylene, moron, it's just a long gasoline molecule with a few hydrocarbons chopped off, you can tell by looking at it" I said.


"Think about the molecular structure of polyethylene, moron, it's just a long gasoline molecule with a few hydrocarbons chopped off, you can tell by looking at it" Senku said.

After he explained it, I am aware that it's gasoline.

"As expected from the president of the science club, he made a gasoline made by plastic bottle caps, which he just asked me to collect materials" I muttered under my breath, which I earned a smirk from him and I just look at the others reactions of the other club members look like.

"Uhh no...I can't"

"Not the least"

While I just watch them continue to asked president about it and now Taiju is involved.

"So... wouldn't Taiju-kun have died,if he drank it?"

Senku just chuckle and look at the guy who asked that question.

So do I could chuckle at the question.

"They don't know, Taiju at all"

"I was ten billion percent sure that he wouldn't drink it, not that strait-laced idiot" Senku said.

While I mentally agree and approach Senku and help him and asked also about more details about what happened while I'm not present.

"So president, what's with the love potion and Taiju about?" I asked.

"Uhh...that idiot suddenly entered inside the science lab screaming about deciding that he be confessing to yuzuriha" he said while I hand him over all the tools, he needed for the experiment.

"I see..." I said quite confused to the matter.

"As always you're oblivious to this matters, y/n" President said while chuckling and suggest to get a drink.


3rd POV

The club members had decide to watch Taiju's confession.

As they watch the nervous taiju walk towards yuzuriha and start to make betting that he get rejected.

While Senku and Y/n just get there self an drink from the vending machine.

And they just lean in the wall and watched Taiju and yuzuriha from above.

"100 yen that he got rejected" the brownish long hair with eyeglasses said

"500 yen that he get rejected hard" the clean cut hair said.

" 1000 yen that he get rejected in full power" The dark short hair with eyeglasses said.

Y/n was oblivious about it. But she doesn't like it, when they betting on Taiju getting rejected.

Her thoughts was cut off, when she heard Senku joined and also bet on Taiju too.

"10,000 yen, he doesn't get rejected" Senku said while opening his usual energy drink.

And y/n just smiled and feel relieved.

"If president say so then, it's 10 billion percent sure" she thought.

"Seriously!?" The three asked in disbelief.

Taiju POV


"Then what is it that you wanted to tell me, Taiju-kun?" Yuzuriha asked and smiled at me, which make me more nervous. That my thoughts suddenly occupied. Finally is the day, I be telling her, how I really feel to yuzuriha, since then, I'm a coward and I'm afraid to lose the friendship, we have.

I still didn't respond that she speak again.

"Is this the thing, the Love confession thingy" she said which make me blushed and speak out.

"Listen Yuzuriha, since then I...huh, What's with that light"

As I only pushed yuzuriha to the camphor tree and tell her to grab it, while I tried to block her from the mysterious light. 


Wow, I never thought I would get a reads so soon. I'm amazed.

Thank you very much (^∆^)/

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