Safety or Future

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Senku POV

"We have the three materials we need to make gunpowder"

"We have them already?" Taiju asked

"All we need to do now is mix it, It's time for our happy gunpowder cooking session!" I said.

3rd POV

Senku and Y/n have there cooking show about how to make gunpowder.

Yuzuriha just assist the two and Taiju is the cameraman.

"Sulfur, which we can get plenty at this hot spring, and then add charcoal, We can get all we need by burning wood. The last but most difficult potassium nitrate, it take a hell of a long time to make this stuff, so...kukuku, I've already made some to save us time!" Senku said.

"I did the sneaking" y/n said.

"Well Tsukasa is focus on me and Taiju" Senku said.

While Taiju trying to remember something.

" Where did I heard that nitrate... nitrate...The miracle fluid! nitric acid!" Taiju said.

" For once your correct, big oaf, Ten Billion points for you" Senku said while mixing the gunpowder and then he add glucose made from the sugar.

"And last step is to hit and harden it" Senku continue said.

While Taiju carried a big rock.

"Hitting isn't?! Leave the heavy lifting to me!"Taiju said.

Senku, Yuzuriha and Y/n were just shock at him.


"That's a Boulder" y/n said.

Yuzuriha tried to stop him.

"Wa-wait Taiju-kun...what if the gunpowder suddenly...ignite...because of your unreal strength and cause a like a Flint" Yuzuriha said.

" Actually, no, you can't get a spark by hitting two of the same kind of rock" Senku said.

" Why, I'm feeling, I'm forgetting something very important" y/n thought as she tried to remember it.

"Eh really?"

Taiju just pound it and agree.

" Ohh, your right" Taiju said.

"Hmm...why I feel we forgetting something very crucial at the moment" Y/n said.

"You can't use just any old rock for Flint, it has to have a iron in it for a spark to..." Senku said and both thought.

" Volcano, Hot spring, Iron pyrite" Senku, Y/n both thought.

Iron pyrite plus Taiju's unreal strength...

"Wait!" Both Senku and y/n said.

But there were too late to stop Taiju pounding it.

They only saw spark and start to distance thereselves, when it explode.

Taiju just hold yuzuriha in the waist and protect her. Y/n also did the same thing to Senku as they are blown up.

"Why the hell, your the one protecting me!" Senku internally shout inside his head, while y/n princess carried him.

And she put Senku down.

"Are you guys alright? No one hurt?" Y/n asked.

They all nod.

" Kukuku...this is nothing, the gunpowder cooking is a huge success" Senku said.

"I never expect gunpowder is seriously this powerful" yuzuriha said.

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