His first friends

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3rd POV

"And now I have no need to keep you alive any longer" Tsukasa said and walk infront of Senku.

Taiju at the moment.

Taiju was busy gathering woods when he notice three smoke signal responding to there smoke.

He fetch all woods he can get.

Back to Senku's situation.

"If I let you live, civilization will indeed will be develop, without a doubt, unless you promise me, you wouldn't" Tsukasa said.

" Kukuku...what are you talking about? A promise couldn't possibly enough for you here" Senku said.

" No you would never lie, science never lie, would you swear to me here and now for the rest in eternity, that you will stop progressing humanity scientific civilization, If you did, then I don't have to kill you, Senku" Tsukasa said.

"Taiju-kun!!!" Yuzuriha said.

Taiju at the moment

" I just barely heard it, but that voice, just now...it was" Taiju said and get a hint and start to dash where Senku is.

Back to Senku and Tsukasa

Y/n know the answer to that question.

Still she look for a way to save, Senku.

Tsukasa is fast, before she could get close, or get to Senku's side, Senku will be in great danger.

Tsukasa have the look of no hesitation to harm his prey.

Senku is hold as a hostage, but he have a death sentence to Tsukasa's judgement.

Senku have seen y/n is thinking of what to do.

Senku POV

" No you would never lie, science never lie, would you swear to me here and now for the rest in eternity, that you will stop progressing humanity scientific civilization, If you did, then I don't have to kill you, Senku" Tsukasa said.

I also think after he said those words, Y/n knows my answer, I could see her face.

If it wasn't for science, we both haven't met each other, don't we? Y/n.

The girl who talk to me.

Senku 3 rocket is now going to space. As I push the button for the launching.

"It blew up at a really high altitude" I said.

"Failed again?! " Taiju said while messing with his hair. while y/n just stay quietly and make a bit sad face. that it's failed nothing reach the space yet.

"..." y/n said.

"Not entirely" I smirking said.
And show that the dummies that yuzuriha made had reach the space which means...

"How exhilarating isn't y/n" I just smile at her and she only agreed.

"Yeah" y/n happily said.

While I notice her spacing out again and recalling our first meeting.


"I'm going to space" I proclaim, what I want to be.

"An astronaut, That's a great dream, Well...when you grown up" Our teacher said.

"No, I'm going immediately" I declared.

After that the teacher called the next student but I couldn't give care at all, I'm thinking of how.

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