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3rd POV

Y/n and Senku just proceed to find the other people alive. While there walking y/n talk about what happened, while he was unconscious and Senku just nod as he attentively nods his head.

"your lucky, Yuzuriha, stop Taiju, when he was about to do mouth to mouth" y/n said and Senku just cringe and had imagine that Taiju making a pucker lips towards him.

"Senku~ MOUTH TO Mouth!" Taiju said with a pucker up lips toward him.

Senku just shivered from the mental image of Taiju puckering his lips towards him.

"I swear, even I brush my teeth and lips for a million times, it won't be removed,if that happen, That stupid big oaf" Senku said with grimace.

Y/n just chuckle at Senku's negative reaction.

At the same time somewhere in the forest. Where Tsukasa walk to return immediately at the Miracle cave. When he encounter a blonde hair with blue eyes. She only carry a bouquet with her as she walk slowly towards him. But soon she reveal a weapon and attack Tsukasa.

Tsukasa just thought if Senku revived someone after yuzuriha.

But he doubt it as he only fight the blonde girl. She only tell what she saw and Tsukasa realized that she isn't one of those who had turn into a statue. And she doesn't know a thing about science as she call it sorcery.

Tsukasa just asked her at what generation is she came from. Tsukasa thought he could rule over them and he could kill them, if he want to. He just cut the tree and trap the girl. She was only overwhelmed by Tsukasa's strength. As soon she was down Tsukasa just Sprint back to the cave to guard it.

Y/n and Senku that heard the loud sound of a tree falling and seen the trap girl. 

Act fast as soon as possible. At first the girl were surprised to see Senku's alive as she call him Sorcerer. Senku just ignore that as he asked her

"Stop talking, You can introduce yourself all you want later, Don't waste your energy" Senku said as they both tried to lift it. 

"Can you hold it in until evening, if you're at your limit, I'll take a gamble and blow it up with the little gunpowder, I have left" After senku said that, Y/n already look for the left gunpowder they both make.

"But if you can hold it in,It'll take forever but we save you ten billion percent" Senku continued said. The blonde girl were only dumbfounded. 

"You're the only one who can make the decision! Decide right now! Which is it!" Senku said as they can't afford to waste more time. Which snap her out of her trance.

"Yeah, My organs and bones are all fine,I can hold on" She replied.  Senku just smile in relief. 

 Senku didn't have to say, what he needed for, as y/n is already on it. She just start to cut the log.

 After Senku calculate everything he needed, Y/n just assist him. Y/n  chop the log into three based on Senku's instructions. After that Senku carve a hole using a bit of gunpowder, Y/n chopped bamboo and they both put sand to make it strong. As it is barely strong enough. Senku pack them with dirt. They both start to create rope for the pulley.

"Who would have thought that soap would be so useful now" Senku thought when y/n give him the soap to make the rope slippery enough.

It's an all-star team of Great Professor Senku and Y/n's inventions. 

"What is this?" The girl who is trapped said as she is confused. Both Y/n and Senku just climb up to a sturdy tree.

"This is science, It was invented by Old man Archimedes a few hundred years BC. It converts the measly strength of a two high school kids into herculean might, It's called a pulley!" Senku said as he signal y/n to jump at the same time. 

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