Back story

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Author POV

This is a backstory of Y/n's life 3700 ago.

At the age of 15, Y/n and Senku.

Senku being dragged by Byakuya.
It was a party for the new crew astronauts.

Which means Byakuya also need to attend and drag Senku to accompany him, Senku dislikes it yet, Byakuya pleaded, that Senku should come along with him to a place.

They both are unknown.


I could only sighed internally cause, I am stuck here.

It's one of the prestigious party and everyone here is a well-known people.

I'm asked to attend the party as an representative for my family reputation, they are well known as one of the prestigious family, that's why, they can't miss such things like this, I feel like working under them.

They were no love into our house, Always be practical, Always be excellent.

"Y/n, you should learn this, so Mother and Father will be proud of you"

I just nods at them, listening attentively.

Remembering such a memory like that isn't good at all.

I just keep my neutral facade and my professional smile, even I want to stay at the Lab.

I really hope that Nala came with me. Atleast I can endure all of this with her.

Nala the butler that took care of me. Give me all support that my parents couldn't do.

We both live in a average build house. She was like a mom to me.

Without her, I might not be able to survive and make it. I had learn alot of things in life

3rd POV

"Ohh if isn't y/n-chan?~" Byakuya uncertain asked.

While y/n just give her neutral face.

" Yes?" Y/n said with a smile, as she turn around to be greeted by Senku's dad.

"What are you doing here?          Y/n-chan~" Byakuya asked.

Byakuya isn't aware of the Y/n's real status.

"Senku's dad?" Y/n uncertain asked.

"Yeah, it's me Byakuya-san" Byakuya said while y/n drop her facade.

"...why are you here, Byakuya-san?" She surprised said.

"I could asked the same thing, Y/n-chan, but it doesn't matter, I have someone, I know, besides Senku" Byakuya said.

" President is here also?" Y/n asked.

"Yup, he keeping me accompany" Byakuya said and finally notice  the very luxurious dress that y/n wearing.

Byakuya thought only a prestigious family can afford such clothing like that,

"That's a very rare sight, y/n-chan seeing you doll up" Byakuya said.

"..." Y/n didn't respond.

Byakuya POV

Y/n-chan, Huh

A very mysterious girl that been friends with Senku.

She smile but her smile isn't that bright, she acts like mature natured person.

But then the girl is still Young after meeting her, I could see her longing for someone support.

I never asked any personal info all I know is Y/n-chan is a very close friend and have the same interests with Senku.

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