Suika and the Priestess

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After Chrome talked about Ruri the main reason why he become a Sorcerer.

Y/n could see a younger version of Chrome who is eager to find a cure for his friend. Y/n just pat his shoulder as a gesture of comfort. Chrome sullen face were turn into a confused one. He wondered, what's the pat on his shoulder for? Senku who have read his mind.

"Looks like you gained y/n's favor, Chrome" Senku said.

Chrome just smile at y/n in return.

At the same time somewhere at the Village, where Kohaku delivered the hot water to her older sister.

Kohaku was greeted by her Older sister, Who is currently the Priestess on there village.

The two Adult who guard the priestess just question Kohaku for arriving late. Kohaku just shrugged it off while Ruri request for some time alone with her younger sister. At first they were against of leaving them both alone. But sooner they comply as there priestess begged. Ruri rush down to check on how is her younger sister. Noticing such a small changes about her cloth and confirm her assumptions.

Soon she start to cough non-stop. Kohaku was more worried. When Ruri told her that she don't have much time left.

Back to the Science kingdom.

After that conversation, Chrome just suddenly asked them about something.

"Senku! Y/n! Is there some way in sorcery, No science, which that could save Ruri" Chrome asked.

Even y/n want to tell Chrome that there is. She didn't say anything, knowing the condition of the whole world.

Y/n just glance at Senku who spoke for the two of them.

"It depends on her condition, but on our current situation stone world" Senku said sharing the same thought with y/n.

"To know, if it's curable or not, we have to check up the patient first"  Y/n said.

Chrome just hung his head low. Senku just glance at y/n. Senku decide to tell Chrome everything what they have before.  Y/n just nod her head as she support his decision.

"Chrome, For now, y/n and I will tell you everything all about the world were like 3700 years ago before it got destroyed"

Chrome just nod his head as he attentively listen to there stories about everything. The Evolution of Technology and Humanity society together.

After Senku and y/n tell Chrome everything. They were only startled at the sight of Chrome crying and tears and snot are at flowing.

"Chrome!?" Y/n said as she internally panic. How do you comfort someone crying, she doesn't know.

"Why suddenly sobbing? That's totally out of character of you, Is your emotions probably Busted?" Senku asked.

Y/n just covered his mouth.

"Don't mind him! Chrome, Senku just really have a blunt tongue" She said afraid to make Chrome to cry more.

At first he denied that he was crying. But sooner he admit he was. Y/n just removed her hand that cover Senku's mouth as he only whisper at her not to do something all of sudden.

"Your the one who scared me" Senku whispered said. He was surprised and his heart beating fast.

Y/n just apologise about it.

Chrome were only having a moment when he notice the two of you weren't listening.

"Oi! I'm having a moment here!"

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