Knowing Nothing

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First POV 

After spending months on building a mini rocket, The four group of kids are now heading to a place to launched

Senku 3 rocket is now going to space. As Senku pushed the button for the launching.

"It blew up at a really high altitude" he said.

"Failed again?!" Taiju said while messing with his hair.

"..." while y/n feel dejected about it that it failed and nothing reach the space yet. I just sighed quietly. President notice it as he suddenly smirk at us. While showing the monitor to us.

"Not entirely" He said, And he show that the dummies that yuzuriha made had reach the space which means...

"How exhilarating isn't y/n" I just smile and agree to him.

"Yeah" I happily replied.

While I just remembered the first time Senku and I have met, It was when I was enrolled mistakenly to his school. But then I didn't know, that will change my life style.


"I'm going to space" A classmate of mine who sudden declare what he wanted to be.

I'm amazed at how fast he had decided for his future.

"An astronaut, That's a great dream, Well...when you grown up" Our teacher said.

"No, I'm going immediately" He declared.

Compare to me, I couldn't respond back when

"How about you? Y/n" Our Teacher asked.


"Well that's fine, Y/n"

I never decided for myself, Since then I had an etiquette to follow.

Being part of a Rich family.

I have no freedom to do, what I really want to do, Everything I do should be perfect for them. That they praise me, I'm like a programmed robot by the tradition.

But then for once, I had decided what I wanted to do.

And that is to be friends with this person, who can easily decide for himself.

"Hey, Ishigami-kun...right?" I asked with an undescribable emotion swirling inside.

I've never been nervous at all before. I'm always composed to be calm and well mannered. It's my first time to interact to someone, I shouldn't talk to.

I could still remember all names and faces, I should give Greet with respect and act like someone, I'm not, yet they praise me for it.

So when I spoke to him. I feel suddenly free.

"You're going to space right? Will you let me tag along?" I continue said.

While he only look at me.

"..." He didn't respond at all but soon he spoke.

"I'm just a kid, who doesn't know anything about science, but then, I'm going to study" He sudden declare.

"I have books about science, we could used to study" I suggest and happily said.

"I'm learning it every last thing of it, kukuku... isn't exhilarating, then what's your name?" he said.

"You can call me y/n..." I said.

"Okay, Y/n" he said.

I'm happy to have finally my very first friend.

After that Senku and I have gone to the library to read all books about science.

We share comments to each other about what we have read.

"Do you know y/n, you can burn things with the point of light from a magnifying glass" He said.

"Really?" I asked and was amazed.

And then we start to experiment about it to prove it, if it's true.

While Senku and I was doing it a pass-by elder said 'it was an adorable experiment' as he observe us from afar.

"Let's try everything" he said and I just nod.

I even met his Dad who encouraged both of us, how nice that he had a very supportive dad like that, while my father, they didn't support me at all, and threaten me that they cut all of my expenses, just to stop me from doing, what I'm happy about.

But thanks to my butler who treated me well and care about me, I had perfectly survive as a commoner what they called me now.

End of flashback

"Oi, there you go again spacing out, y/n" Senku said.

"...yeah, I kinda just remembered your declaration of going to space" I replied.

"Didn't I said, we try everything, and I'm ten billion percent sure, we succeed, step by step" Senku confidently said.

"Yeah, if it's you, I'm surely you can" I replied. After hearing my response he just scowl at me.

"Oi, you got it wrong, it's We, you idiot" he said while pointing at himself, Taiju, yuzuriha and me.

I just smile and taiju just tried to hug Senku. He was touched by his words.

Senku just pushed him away and Yuzuriha and I just laughed about it.


(-////-) Heyo, Minna I just wanted to introduce you to my new husband (。・//ε//・。). Ishigami Senku from the anime Dr. Stone

Nah... I'm kidding about that part.

I'm also a big fan of him, on how smart he is was totally amazing, I hope that this fiction can get his smart remarks too.

If not bare with me, not that totally good at it, but I do my best >^<

That's all...

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