A Rocky Start

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Senku POV

"FINALLY I broke it!" I mentally said and want to make a energetic outbreak from the petrification but then, only simple minded like big oaf will do such a energetic outbreak.

I get up as the stone fell, First I notice the stone fragments that fall from my body, I pick every parts of it and preserve it for further observation, I will do to solve the case of the petrification.

After I have put stone around my pose while I was in my state of petrification. To preserve the scene.

Every last piece of stone fragments was buried and I have no idea which parts of my body these is.

When a three monkey shows up based on there expression.

Well, of course, I don't talk monkey language.

They all run away after giving me a look that I am a creep.

Well they all just saw furry kinds and I'm the first shiny smooth monkey they have first seen.

I just put veins around my waist for clothing.

And saw People Statue all around. So it didn't only happened to me but all of the humankind.

"The very first to be born to here on earth, The first smooth shiny monkey" I said out loud to myself.

" Kukuku isn't this exhilarating"

Now then I came to a huge tree and remember all the counting from the time I've turned into a stone.

117,254,893,870 seconds, that was a rough Mental Math, keeping tracks of all those seconds was annoying enough to want to die, besides from rotation of the earth, Every 1,000,000 years 17 seconds are lost...so there's not really much point in even keeping track of these minute detailed numbers.

I wrote in the tree.

April 1, 5738 AD

I notice the Monkeys were observing me.

Today will be 0 A.D. everything starts from now on.

"Kukuku...behold what the shiny smooth monkey can do, I'm going to build back everything up from zero... a scientific civilization advanced enough to travel space" I said.

Holding a stick and a log to create fire. I was twisting it and twisting it to create friction that will create spark.

I keep doing it until I get tired.

Damn it, Even Big oaf can do this with his brute strength or the  ultra skillful yuzuriha can manage this with no problem.

And y/n who is fast and strong and smart. Now I wish she is awake to help me with this.

I could only chuckle to myself. How pathetic I am, that's right this shiny smooth monkey doesn't have fangs or claws, All I've got is my steady straight forward ingenuity, That is the foundation of civilization.

3rd POV

Senku only collect rocks to make a tool he need to shape it as a tool, which is hard, he have banging it and it always break into pieces.

The Monkeys who watch him curious about what his doing, They think he is a moron.

It took alot of times for Senku to get what he needed. He could only keep on trying until he got a knack of it.

"For making the face of it, I'll chisel it in the air, and for the edge sides, I'll pound at it on top of a flat surface to chip away both sides at the same time, this colorful rock known as chert is hard as hell which is perfect for making a small knife, Different kinds of  rocks have different uses" Senku thought to himself  as he finally acquired stone tools.

He used it for cutting vines and do the string cheese method.

As he keep twirling the vines, To make rope. Senku acquired Stone tools and rope.

"There are surprising number of living creatures that uses tools Like crows, racoon, orangutan, but of all species in this world, but there's only one that uses science, Generating heat from the  oxidation of Gas released from cellulose, In other words combustion" Senku said as he acquired flame.

The next day he try to hunt but then stamina is what he is lacking, so he passed out and had a hard time catching his prey so by using his ingenuity, he set a trap to catch the deer.

"I'm the Master of science!" Senku said as he feast from meat. There's no part of the deer have been throw everything was used by Senku.

The monkey who observe him was surprised.

"The shiny smooth monkey but he isn't shiny anymore" there shocking said.

"I probably haven't introduce myself, I am the only of my kind still living this world, I'm a human being" Senku said.

Senku POV

" kukuku...the birth of a boy's every dream treehouse and finally I have collected every necessities I need for survival, Now then...it's about time, My ignoring all fatigue would be most logical switch is at limit "I said.

3rd POV

After Senku admit that he pass his limits, a foam came out of his mouth and faint, before he could fully faint he thought of resting properly.

After Senku admit that he pass his limits, a foam came out of his mouth and faint, before he could fully faint he thought of resting properly

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"Goddamn it, just surviving as the lone human taking every ounce last of my energy, To hell science progression. Fuck all of it" Senku last said and finally faint for real.

Meanwhile somewhere close in the cave, where Senku woke up.

A cracking sound is made as a unknown person, broke it's petrification.

"..." the person look around and the monkey who saw another shiny monkey was surprised again but then they notice it's a female so she probably with the first one.

They lead y/n to where Senku who faint infront of the treehouse.

"President?" She happily said.

The moment she saw her surrounding and the outcome happened after 3000years of petrified state, Y/n have analyze her situation and Senku.

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