Wine and the Miracle fluid

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Still Senku's POV

After y/n and Taiju fetch all ripe grapes we start to crush it.

I was using my hands to crush the grapes when big oaf take a huge pot and put all grapes and use his feet to crush all of it.

"Yeah, I leave the labour works to you" I dumbfounded said.

"And to your cheat mode endurance, thats more logical in some way" I continue said.

While y/n just pat my shoulder.

"It was your idea, isn't it?" I asked her and she just nod.

I clearly still doesn't understand sometimes y/n.

So then, I give instructions to Taiju and he always mix the wine everyday and sometimes y/n will suggest that she takes Taiju's place.

While I was making a pottery used for the next step.

3 weeks later

"It's been 3 weeks, it should be ready"

Y/n give me a cup of wine same as her while Taiju pour and taste it.

"..." Y/n just sip it, same goes for me and Taiju.

"It came out better than I expected, It's just 10 billion times worse than what you find in the store. " I said.

While Taiju spit it out.

" Taiju, don't spit the wine, it's still a food drink, so let's not waste it" y/n said.

" Y/n is right, you big oaf" I said.

"I never thought of making wine could be this easy, just by using grapes, I have no idea" Taiju said while y/n drink all in her cup.

"By the way... Senku, y/n isn't this underaged drinking alcohol?" Big oaf asked, I could only chuckle.

 Senku, y/n isn't this underaged drinking alcohol?" Big oaf asked, I could only chuckle

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" No problem, we're already 3700 years old" I said drinking the left wine.

Y/n nods as I speak again and cracking my neck.

"One step at a time  down to the path forward, we're gonna have to break bones to keep up from here on in, let's begin!!! Wine distillation, how to make Brandy! "I said.

"Did you say Distillation? Wait I don't know what is it?!" Taiju said.

" I thought I told you already, by heating it up, cooling it down and dripping it off, we extract the alcohol" I said.

Y/n already make fire for the distillation, as usual she knows what I need.

"Good job, y/n" I said while I pat her hair.

Her hair tied up into a messy bun, become messier because of how I ruffle her hair.

She only frown at me. While I'm still thrilled.

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