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3rd POV

While waiting for Taiju to confess to yuzuriha, Senku and Y/n notice the green light.

"Hmm... what's that?" y/n thought that she notice the panic look and defensive posture that Taiju did and do.

Senku and y/n just look at each other.

"Senku..." She last said and turn into a stone and Senku just stare at her and also end up becoming a stone.

After the mysterious light hit everyone, they all turn into a statue. A lot of accidents happen as the humanity suddenly extinct.

From unknown cause, Taiju willpower was still very active.

As he keep screaming inside his mind, about confessing and helping yuzuriha.

"RRAAGH!!! DON'T YOU UNDERESTIMATE ME, I'M NOT GOING TO DIE" Taiju scream inside his head.

As he feel drowsy.

"NOT GOOD, I GOTTA STAY AWAKE, I SHOULDN'T LET MY GUARD DOWN AND GET SWALLOW BY THE DARKNESS, DAMN IT, I can't move at all like a statue" He said to himself until he got a flashback about the statue bird that he brought to the vet and his coincidentally encounter with yuzuriha who does the same thing he did.

"How many days, weeks, months, I won't die, no matter what, I gotta tell her, Yuzuriha, no matter how long, I will survive and tell her, no matter how many years, decades, century, millennia, No even thousands of years, I'm gonna keep living on even it kills me, I have to tell her"

And thus humanity vanished from the face of the Earth, thousands of years.

Taiju POV


I could finally feel that I could move.

"RRAAGH IT'S BROKEN, FINALLY BROKEN" I scream happily that I could finally move when I saw stone fragments.

Staring at it and wondering.

"Stone fragments?" As I walk outside the cave to see.

How it all change and saw a lot of human statues, which they all used to be human.

And I just saw a broken statue of a girl and put it besides each part together and pray.

I put an vine around my waist and start to look for yuzuriha.

After a long time of searching, I finally found the camphor tree along with yuzuriha.

I could only thanked the camphor tree for protecting yuzuriha and tear up. If it wasn't for her...I wouldn't survive.

"I always wanted to tell you, I love you for hundreds, thousands of years" I said while kneeling down infront of yuzuriha. And then I climbed up and still talking to her when I notice a note beside her.

"Head down the river, Big oaf" this note... don't tell me.

I just followed the river and I was very happy to see Senku above the tree.

"Kukuku...So you finally woke up, you big oaf" Senku said. While I was too happy to see him alive that I couldn't help myself and tried to hug him.

"Whoa!!! You're alive, Senku!!! your alive" I happily said while he kick me in the face.

"Don't hug me while your butt naked, I fucking kill you" Senku said.

Senku POV

After almost been hug by big oaf while his butt naked. His loud as always, I thought to myself.

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