Lack of Manpower

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After collecting black sands. It was time for cooking iron. They have to maintain the temperature in order to cook the Iron.

Senku and y/n just made an air pipe bag for it. Kohaku just thought it's pretty convenient that she can handle it alone. 

But Kohaku talked so soon that they start a hellish time cooking the iron sand. Suika were the first one to give up as she can't pump any longer.

Kohaku and y/n just told her to rest as they handle the rest. Senku, Chrome, Kohaku and y/n just keep on pumping even if they are already tired.

Y/n just calculate the time they have to endure pumping.

"Just how many minutes do we have to keep this up"

"A few dozen hours more" Senku and y/n exhausted replied while pumping air.

Both of there arms felt like it's going to fall off. After pumping with no time to rest. They have already passed out from exhaustion.

Y/n just thought that she is still lacking stamina that she couldn't keep up. If only she have the endless stamina that Taiju have.

After they passed out, Y/n and Senku just checked if they have successfully melt the Iron sand when they saw the outcome.

They all thought of recruiting more people for man power in the science kingdom.

"Kukuku...Kinro is already within our grasp" Senku said.

The three have thought of making a science bait to recruit.

" also y/n" Kohaku thought as you completely turn into someone else.

"But they are people with a primitive mind set, so accessories won't work, unless it's something practical" y/n thought.

"We need more information regarding what they want" Senku said. y/n just nod her head as she agree.

Suika just volunteer to collect information as she was good at it. Just like the first time they see her. She suddenly turned into a normal Watermelon.

"Ohh...that's indeed wonderful" y/n said as she was amazed by Suika hiding skills.

"It's like Ninja technique" y/n said

"Kukuku... yeah, your right, Well then, Were counting on you, Detective Suika" Senku said and Suika turn into a normal Watermelon to investigate what the villager want that could lure them to help The science kingdom.

Meanwhile at the Science Kingdom, Senku, Chrome and y/n just talked about ways to keep the temperature.

"How about leveling up, Our air pump bag?" y/n suggest to Chrome and Senku.

"Kukuku, you just took the words out of my mouth"

Chrome were still far behind as he look at you and back to Senku, trying to keep up with both of your conversation.

Sometimes Chrome hates it, when Senku and y/n just glance at each other and understand what it means.

Chrome were like "Talked! we wouldn't understand it, if you guys won't speak!"

Senku and y/n just noticed that Chrome is sulking for not being able to keep up. Senku just thought that his reaction is a pain in the butt. Y/n just approach chrome as she start to explain what she and Senku have discussed about. After that Chrome have finally get the idea and start to rant about it.

"Geez...your really soft, you should have left him be, so he could figure about it, all by himself"

"Not all people are like you, Senku"y/n pointed out.

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