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Elizabeth watched Stiles wearily, the teen sat in front of her trying to write his work during detention, blinking in and out of sleep.

Dismissing the other students, Elizabeth headed towards Stiles, frowning as she noticed his bloodshot eyes, "Stiles? Are you sick?"

Stiles let out a shaky breath, looking around in confusion, "W-why aren't I in class?"

"You're in detention," Elizabeth corrected, eyes wide with concern "Did you forget where you are?"

"You're in detention," Elizabeth corrected, eyes wide with concern "Did you forget where you are?"

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Stiles gripped onto the side of the desk, muttering, "I - I don't know."

"I'm taking you to the hospital," Elizabeth decided, picking up Stiles' backpack, "Come on."

Stiles hesitantly followed after her, knowing there was no arguing with Liz, "Please don't tell my dad."

Elizabeth paused, turning to him with a sigh, "Stiles..."

Stiles started back at her with frightened eyes, and Elizabeth couldn't say no.  He wasn't alone, he had her. She could just call Noah later....

Stiles stood weakly beside Liz at the front desk of the hospital, Melissa looked up with a patient smile, "Dr. Gardner's not back until next week. Do you want to try waiting for one of the urgent care doctors or?"

Elizabeth took the patient paperwork with a sigh, "Anyone will do as long as he's seen."

If anyone was aware of the Stilinski stubbornness it was Elizabeth, and she wasn't leaving the hospital until Stiles was seen whether he liked it or not.

Stiles dizzily stepped back, Liz grabbed onto his arm before he fell, looking to him in alarm, "Stiles?"

Melissa stood, walking around to help Liz, "Stiles? Are you all right?"

"I don't know. I guess I guess not really," Stiles answered shakily.

Melissa and Liz shared a nervous look, guiding Stiles through the hallway, "All right, kiddo. All right. Come with me. It's okay."

Stiles reached out and grabbed Elizabeth's hand, Liz smiled comfortingly, "Its alright, Stiles."

Stiles took a deep breath, nodding slowly.

Elizabeth stood quickly as Noah rushed inside, his tired face relaxing seeing Stiles asleep.

Letting out a sigh, Noah slumped down on the armchair opposite Elizabeth, "Thanks for bringing him in."

"What's going on, Noah?" Elizabeth eyed him in concern.

Noah stared at Stiles, "I honestly have no idea what's happening with him. He's just getting worse, not sleeping - night terrors. I'm terrified."

"He's safe now, he'll get the help he needs," Elizabeth assured him, "Noah, don't be too hard on yourself. Kids like ours, with supernatural - there's often very little you can control."

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