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As much as I love Ian as Peter, in this story I think a new faceclaim fits him better with some character changes I've made, so I'll include a gif of his new appearance when his scenes come back...

get comfy this is a long one!

Dean walked after Luna as she skipped ahead, dramatically retelling her day and school whilst Dean half listened in.


Dean looked up in confusion as he noticed Allison leaving her house, rushing down the driveway towards them.

Dean scowled at his classmate, "What do you want?"

"That's rude," Luna pointed out, swinging her backpack around her arms.

"Shush, you demon," Dean patted her head, "Well, Argent, what do you want?"

"Is um, Maeve alright I heard about what happened at the pool?" Allison questioned nervously.

"She's fine," Dean answered suspiciously, whirling around as a tree branch snapped behind him.

Luna stumbled back against Allison as Deans tall body fell to the floor, a needle of what Luna could smell was something dangerous, in his neck.

"Uncle Dean!" Luna gasped, kneeling down next to him, "Are you okay? Uncle Dean?"

Allison looked away from Dean in shock, spotting her grandfather being the cause of Deans state, "What are you doing?"

Gerard smiled slyly at Luna, "Miss Hale and I need a chat."

Luna stepped back fearfully, her bright blue eyes springing with tears as Gerard grabbed her arm, pulling her and Allison up the driveway.

"Wait-" Allison stressed, stepping in front of Luna, "You shouldn't do this. You don't even know if she's a werewolf!"

"Oh," Gerard chuckled, noticing Luna's terrified glare, the way Maeve once looked at him, "She's a wolf, alright."

Pulling Luna into the living room, Gerard pointed at the sofa, "Sit."

"You sit, old man," Luna argued stubbornly, staying stood.

Gerard took a breath, "Just like your mother I see."

Luna gasped as he stepped towards her, shoving her to sit down, but she stumbled on her untied laces, falling to the ground with a sickening crack echoing around the room.

Chris rushed in, hearing the commotion from upstairs, but felt the air leave his lungs at the sight of Luna on the floor, tears rolling down her cheeks. Since Gerard's arrival he'd been pushing the boundaries of being a hunter, and going after children was one of them. Chris was livid, especially given Luna was Maeve's child.

"What the hell are you playing at?" Chris shouted, seething as he pushed Gerard away from Luna, "She's a child!"

Chris crouched down in front of Luna, helping her sit up, "Luna are you alright?"

Luna shook her head with a cry, cradling her arm, glancing up at Gerard in fear.

Chris took an angry breath, lifting the small girl into his arms, Gerard watching disapprovingly, "Christopher, don't."

Pushing back past Gerard, Chris stormed out of the house, "We don't hurt children!"

Allison ran down the driveway after him, "Dad wait!"

Chris helped Luna into his car, turning to Allison angrily, "Did you let him do this?"

"No- " Allison stuttered, "Of course not. He pushed her as soon as we got inside! I didn't know he would hurt her!"

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