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"Why don't you hate her?"

The time had come for Maeve and Noah to finally talk, and Elizabeth was the topic of discussion.

Maeve was still livid with her mother for lying, but when she arrived and found Noah had forgiven Liz, she was completely baffled.

Noah smiled gently, "Your mother's a complicated person, Maeve."

"But she hid me from you for years," Maeve stressed, nervously tracing the edge of the cup of tea in her hand.

"Liz and I married young," Noah began, "We hadn't been dating for long at the time, only a few months. I knew her my whole life, though, we were both raised here."

Maeve nodded slowly, "Why did you marry her?"

"Your grandfather wanted to send her back to France after she refused the family business," Noah explained, "Liz didn't want to go, graduation was down the road and we were both on our own rebellions from our families. Liz needed help and I had nothing to loose."

"Why did you do that for her?" Maeve questioned, "Why agree?"

Noah sighed, looking up to the sky, "Your mother was the first person I loved, and the first person I felt loved me back. I couldn't let go of that."

Maeve blinked in surprise, attempting to process this new information. She'd never learnt much of Noah's past, most of her knowledge was from Stiles or rumours around the station.

"My father-" Noah hesitated, "My father hurt me for a long time, my mother was too scared of him to do anything about it. The moment I was old enough to leave I did. I was alone for a long time until I met your mother."

Maeve picked at the cup, "My aunt Kate hurt me too."

"Meeting Derek changed everything, didn't it?" Noah questioned knowingly.

Maeve nodded her head, meeting Derek really did change everything. It was painful to think about where she would be if she hadn't met him.

"If you loved her, why did you split up?" Maeve frowned.

"People deal with their trauma in different ways," Noah replied, "I turned to alcohol, I had it bad, I was dependant on the thing for years. I didn't treat your mom how she deserved, she tried to fix me but I was too far gone to listen. We split before we turned to hate each other."

"A few years down the line I started to get my act together, trained to be a cop, tried to put down the bottle. That was when I met Claudia," Noah smiled sadly, "She was able to help because I was willing to be helped by then. I loved her, I hadn't loved anyone since your mother. We got married a few years down the line and had Stiles, I really thought life would be good then on ."

"Then she died and I didn't know where life was going from then. I had Stiles, but I was completely lost without Claudia," Noah mumbled, "Then one day you wondered into the station, your mother soon after. Even though I didn't know you were mine, you were so much like your mother it was hard not to care for you."

"I didn't know what happened to Liz after she left," Noah pointed out, "I liked to think she had got away from her family, but when I saw you with Chris I knew she hadn't managed it."

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