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It was around three am when Maeve quietly made her way into the Hale house, bundled up in her pyjamas and Derek's jumper. Focusing on not falling over and making a scene, Maeve tip toed upstairs, quietly opening Derek's bedroom door.

Maeve kicked off her shoes, calling over to Derek in a whisper, "Derek?"

Derek turned on his pillow, his eyes slowly fluttering open to see who had come in, but shut them again at Maeve's scent.

"Are you awake?" Maeve called over again, sliding down on the bed as Derek lifted his head up, brushing his messy hair from his eyes.

Maeve couldn't tell whether it was because she was nervous, or that she was excited, but all she knew was that she couldn't sleep until she was home, with Derek.

"No," Derek muttered sleepily, moving across to make room for Maeve, glancing over at the clock, "Isn't it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?"

"Technically it's already our wedding day," Maeve shrugged, lying down beside him, smiling softly, "And I can't sleep."

Derek laughed quietly, resting his head on the top of hers as Maeve curled her arms around him, "You came across town just for a hug?"

Maeve grinned as Derek glanced down at her, "No?"

Maeve yawned, feeling tired for the first time in hours. Maeve didn't know how Derek brought her so much comfort, how all it took was his presence to make her feel so at ease.

Derek rolled his eyes tiredly kissing her before lying his head back on the pillow, "You're such a dork, Maeve."

"A dork you love," Maeve reminded him, lying her head on his chest, easily finding sleep now back in his arms.

If you'd told Maeve a year ago that she'd marry Derek Hale, she would've laughed in your face. But now, stood on the steps of the courthouse in a white dress and Derek at her side, Maeve couldn't imagine herself anywhere else.

Deciding on a small and simple wedding was something the couple both agreed early on, given the not so usual circumstances surrounding their relationship. A small gathering was what seemed right at this moment, and one day they would have the fairytale wedding Maeve fantasied about.

Maeve nervously tapped her rose gold heel on the cobblestone steps, the wind blowing her white silk skirt around her knees as she wrapped her arms under Derek's blazer, looking up to him with a smile.

Derek was strangely relaxed for a day like today, but that was just Derek for you. To him, there was no need to be nervous, he was marrying the love of his life, all he could be was happy.

Wanting this moment to be personal, relaxed and calm, there was only the witnesses attending whilst they said their vows. Maeve wanted to save the embarrassment of only having her mother in attendance out of all her family, especially with the not so acceptance of their relationship.

Deciding on the two witness' was a difficult job since everyone wanted to be there, but eventually settling on Peter, Derek's best man, and Laura, Maeve's maid of honour.

Peter and Laura walked out of the courthouse, dressed in a grey suit and a pink play suit that matched Maeve's flowers, Laura holding up the completed paperwork with a grin "Who wants to get married!"

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