- Five

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Florence gripped her grandmothers hand as she scanned the preserve, Talia had been hesitant when Florence asked to drive towards the woods but the young Hale was determined. She'd seen these woods in her dream, Florence knew Luna was close.

Talia took a deep breath as they approached the nematon, Maeve and Derek would not want Florence anywhere near the cursed tree but this was one of the places that resembled what Florence saw. Florence peered down at the steps leading into the cellar, uncomfortably sinking into her woolly coat.

"Someone died here," Florence announced, her grandmother looking to her sharply, "Many people."

"How do you know that?" Talia questioned, reaching to pull Florence away from the steps but she stubbornly hurried down, "Florence!"

Her blue eyes scanned the tree roots dominating the room, following the tug towards the centre of the room - Florence gasped as millions of images flashed through her mind, the visions coming to an abrupt stop at the sight of her father, younger than what he was now cradling a girl not much older than Luna.

Florence watched him sob over the body of the girl he loved, her young mind consuming the startling sight.

She turned to her grandmother with a worried frown, "Dad was hurt here."

Talia crouched down in front of Florence, turning her away from the place Derek lost Paige, "Is that what brought you here?"

"Maybe," Florence whispered, nervously gripping her coat buttons, "I don't like seeing the bad things, granny."

"Your gifts mean you see a lot of things, sadly some of that may be bad," Talia started, "but is it really so bad if you can help by what you've saw? I know it can be scary, but you've been given a gift that can allow you so see so much of this world that nobody else can."

"I guess," Florence shrugged, "But what if I don't want to see this stuff?"

"One day, once you've found control of your gift, it all won't seem so bad," Talia assured her, "When you're all grown up, the things you see won't be as scary anymore."

Florence stared at her grandmother suspiciously, but eventually nodded, "I believe you."

"We should get out of here. There's one last place we can go," Talia suggested worriedly, tightening her grip on Florence's had as they made their way towards the steps.

Florence nodded, "Okay."

The two Hales paused as the sound of a loaded gun echoed down the stairs, staring up at the barrel of an unknown hunters gun.


Derek truly was his mother's son. After shocking the pack with punching a hole through the wall once finding out Luna had been taken and then all but flipping the table finding out it was most likely Kate, Derek had ran out of the door in pure fury finding out Florence had now left to help.

Peter rolled his eyes, "Just like his mother."

Maeve ran out of the house after him, catching his arm before he could leave, "Derek! Wait!"

"I can't just sit here, Maeve!" Derek shouted, "Kate could be torturing Luna and Florence is probably terrified out in the dark!"

"I know, okay?" Maeve agreed anxiously, "But if we go out there without a plan we can do more harm than good."

Derek looked ready to argue, but nodded defeatedly at the pleading look on his wife's face. If they didn't find a plan fast, he would be out of there despite what Maeve says.

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