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Derek, Maeve and Isaac watched Scott approach Chris in a quiet car park, an anxious smile on his face. Chris whirled around, pulling his gun out of his jacket, aiming it at Scott. Maeve rolled her eyes, of course Chris would take weapons to a grocery store. It was practically Argent rules to carry weapons everywhere.

"Do you think this is gonna work?" Isaac questioned.

"Nope," Derek answered, trying to listen to Chris and Scotts conversation.

"Me neither. So your, uh... your sister..." Isaac trailed off noticing Dereks hands clench around the steering wheel, "Sorry, yeah, it's... It's bad timing, I'm sorry. I'll ask later. It's fine."

Derek slowly turned, a glare on his face causing Isaac to stutter nervously, "Or never. Yeah, yeah, I'm good with never."

Maeve smiled, shaking her head, "Ignore him Isaac, he's being protective. Her names Cora, she's the same age as you."

"Right," Isaac nodded, glancing out of the window, "Couldn't you talk to him? He's your uncle, isn't he?"

"We're not on chatty standards at the moment," Maeve shrugged, "We need to focus on Cora, not my family drama."

Maeve hated that things hadn't gone back to normal with her relationship with Chris and Allison, she was scared after the death of Victoria that things had finally strayed too far between them. Being in the middle of their hate for Derek was exhausting, she just wished they saw Derek for the person she saw him as.


Maeve  scowled down at the mud making her walking even more difficult than it needed to be as they approached the cliffs edge.

"When's the last time you saw your sister?" Chris questioned.

"Eight years," Derek replied, "We thought she died in the fire."

"I helped her out, apparently," Maeve sighed, "I don't remember it though."

It was eating her alive not remembering what had happened between her and Cora at the fire, whilst relieved that she had saved Cora, Maeve was incredibly guilty about Cora being alone for years when they could've found her if she'd just remembered.

"Do you have a lock on her scent?" Chris asked the couple, the both of them shaking their heads, "Scott, now confident are you in your skills?"

"Honestly, most of the time I'm trying not to think about all the things I can smell," Scott replied sheepishly.

"All right. The problem is when they breach the woods and hit the residential area. Once they're past the high school, they're right in the middle of Beacon Hills," Chris explained.

Isaac stepped forward nervously, "They're not gonna kill everything they see, are they?"

"No," Chris answered bluntly, "But there is an important difference to recognise. Wolves Hunt for  food, sometimes their mates. At a certain point they get full. Boyd and Cora are hunting for the pleasure of the kill. For some primal apex predatory satisfaction that comes from the ripping of warm bodies to bloody shreds. And who knows when that need gets satiated."

"We can't kill them," Scott stated firmly.

Derek looked hesitant, "What if we can't catch them?"

"Then maybe we just need to contain them," Chris suggested, "There's no-one in the school at night, is there?"

"You want to trap them inside?" Derek realised.

"If there's somewhere with a strong enough door, no windows or access to the outside," Chris continued.

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