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"You're not being homeschooled, Cora," Maeve argued, stepping out of the elevator leading up to the loft, Freddie in her arms and Florence in Cora's, "Dean goes to school."

"Dean didn't spend six years with a pack in the depths of North America," Cora protested, scowling as Maeve stopped, turning to face her.

Cora had kicked up a fuss for the entire summer about going to school and despite the school term now well under way, she had yet to go.

"What does your mom think?"  Maeve asked with a reluctant sigh.

Cora looked down sheepishly,  "I haven't asked."

"Cora," Maeve scolded, catching one of Freddie's tiny shoes that he tried to pull off.

"Dean says you always deal with this stuff," Cora shrugged.

Maeve was used to doing all the jobs Talia would've of done, because for years it had been her job,  and with Talia back they were both admittedly suffering with the power struggle between them.

"I'm not going to make you go," Maeve agreed, looking to Cora hopefully, "But will you at least try?"

Cora looked up as a groan of pain echoed down the hall, "Do you hear that?"

Maeve rolled her eyes hearing Stiles chatter from inside, looking down at her son with a smile, "Should we go see uncle Stiles?"

Freddie seemed to smile at the concept, unlike his sister who was fast asleep, he clapped his hands and wriggled in his mothers arms. Entering the loft they were met with the sight of Scott laying on the floor with blood dripping from his nose. Maeve blinked in surprise, glaring at the twins who seemed eager to leave at Maeve's appearance.

"What the hell are you doing?" Maeve exclaimed,  pointing at the door, "My building is not a fight club, if you're not pack then get out!"

The twins shared a look with Scott before hurrying out of the loft. Lydia helped pull Scott up from the floor, slightly nervous at Maeve and Cora's arrival. 

"Freddie, this is evil twin one, and thats evil twin two," Cora whispered mischievously at the babies, "You and your sister aren't evil like them, don't worry."

Stiles stuttered before grinning, "Maeve? Cora? You're back!"

"What are you all doing?" Maeve frowned, noticing Scott's glowing eyes, "Oh, thats what we're doing is it?"

Stiles made grabby hands at his nephew hoping to distract his sister, "Freddie Stiles, have you grown again, my mini me?"

Maeve rolled her eyes handing over her son, "Stop calling him that."

Carrying the baby over to a heavily breathing Scott, he lifted Freddie towards Scott, Stiles' grinned in accomplished as his eyes returned to normal once in close proximity to the baby.

"Stiles!" Maeve exclaimed, "Please be careful, he's a baby not bait."

Freddie eyed the new members suspiciously, faux growling in his little voice that Kieran had taught him, which earned him an earful from Maeve about teaching her son to growl. Dean had been kicked out the room as he tried to teach Florence to bark later that evening. 

Maeve stepped between Stiles and Scott, "If you're trying to learn control you've gone to the. wrong. teacher."

Stiles hurried over to Cora who held Florence, their niece blinking awake in confusion, like her brother, she smiled at the sight of Stiles. With both babies in his arms, he made his way back over to his friends.

"Derek's not here," Scott replied, brows furrowed in confusion, "He taught me before."

"Technically I taught you," Stiles muttered, quietening down at Maeve's glare, "Right, never mind."

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